Title: What Ianto Says, Part V - ‘Jack’s Thoughts: Drabble XII
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Torchwood: Children of Earth
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Russell T. Davies, the BBC, and other persons or entities own all things Torchwood. I own nothing and make no money from it.
Summary: Jack's thoughts .
First in the series:
Drabble I: Don’t “Look, The Doctor sent me here to fix you, but right now, I can’t stand you.”
“I don’t really care for you, either. And to think how I’ve missed you and told my son what a great man you were. What a waste!”
“That’s you’re problem, Jackie Boy!”
“Father, I’m getting hungry. Can we go eat, now?”
“Sure, Johnny. We are all finished here.”
“Sir, would you like to eat with us?”
“I don’t think -”
“Please, sir. It would mean so much to me.”
“Maybe some other time, kid.”
“Can you answer me one thing? Are you my Daddy?”
What Ianto Says, Part VI