new Sherlock vid (vvc premiere): Games

Aug 12, 2012 09:11

Fandom: Sherlock
Summary: Could be dangerous.
Thank you (so so much) to both mresundance and obsessive24 for your insight (and patience!) through the long process that was this vid.
Music: ChaseManhattan's stunning & delicious remix of Lana del Rey's Videogames can be found here.

Download available at A03
And oh look, I posted on tumblr! I have a tumblr!

I know this isn't your standard con vid, and I almost didn't send it in for VVC but I so wanted to see it on the big screen. At the heart of it, I was trying to get at the way John is drawn to dangerous games--to playing with the line between life and death, and to the place underneath logic where the irrational and death break through--and that all of this comes to him through Sherlock. And of course Sherlock too is drawn to dangerous games, perhaps even more so, with similar impetuses, and thus they're drawn inexorably to each other. (Why oh why didn't I write this description *before* vividcon crash sunk in?)

But also, I wanted it to be about falling into the game of playing with the source, the visuals, just as ChaseManhattan had created something so slippery and new and enchanting with his remix of Videogames.

I knew that all the meaning wouldn't come through in a single VVC premiere viewing, but I hope that *feeling* of falling into the seduction of danger and being on the edge would. But of course all I was feeling during the premiere was that weird heart-beating-too-fast omg my vid is on the screen :D

Oh, and these notes wouldn't be complete without my expressing my *love* for Hounds. I was so, so drawn to this notion of Sherlock facing the culpability of his mind, that he could in fact see something that is not there, something beyond the rational, and I adored Benedict's performance of that moment when everything seems to breakdown. And then the visuals. The visuals! I wanted to cry when I saw them (especially the mind-palace-computer ones) and felt like it was just me and computer screen, like they'd been made just for me. And thus, this vid.

Oh, final note! Sadly youtube blocked this vid worldwide. I may go through the process of contesting, but in the meantime I do like blip's pretty video quality. *though* this video would have been prettier if it hadn't been for the great computer crash of July 12. If I succeed in recovering lost files, I may remaster a more HQ version--in the meantime, this'll have to do!
This entry was originally posted at Comments welcome here or there.

feel the john love, this show was made to vid, vidding, premiere!flailing, lana del rey, my vids, vividcon, sherlock

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