the song sustains its own consciousness

Aug 13, 2011 09:46

I really need to try to go back to sleep. But I just found this utterly amazing quote from Sufjan on tumblr, and I need to share it.

An object, just by the nature of its physical being, resists possession in a way because it’s an object, you know. You can’t carry around a building obviously. You can’t possess it, in a way. I guess you can own it, ( Read more... )

remix, transformative work, intellectual property, sufjan

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Comments 3

rhiannonhero August 13 2011, 14:33:50 UTC
That is brilliant.


lolachrome August 13 2011, 14:54:03 UTC
I know. I know!! Isn't he just?? I love him more and more with each thing I discover.

Soooooo. I'm thinking that I have to do a Vesuvius part II. Or, I mean, something that in some way uses the footage from the NYC show. Maybe Get Real, Get Right? Or I could give Cas the shaft and just do a Sufjan vid... but what would that even look like? But whichever way, I *have* to use those amazing wings.

Maybe it's going to be a straight up Sufjan vid this time. That would be new ground!!


oywidapoodles August 14 2011, 02:22:39 UTC
Oh, that interview was amazing! Did you read the other parts? It's long, but it's worth it. His talking about his obsessiveness in his creating and the masochism of creativity was so inspiring for some reason. I just love seeing into his mind just a little bit like that, cause, I mean, I know it gets said a lot, but he's a genius, and his ideas are just really interesting.


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