New Video, and it's Pretty Little Liars! (Title: The Workhorse)

Jul 28, 2011 13:55

I don't know if I've even posted about my ever-growing obsession with Pretty Little Liars. So let this be first and foremost a pimp post. Seriously, this show is all the good things (mystery, suspense, gender politics) of Veronica Mars, mixed with the shiny-ness of Gossip Girl, the female-centricness of Damages, and the heart of Roswell. And yes it ( Read more... )

pimping, watch out for a, pretty little liars, my brightest diamond, bring me the workhorse, plllove, my vids

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Comments 18

giandujakiss July 29 2011, 00:40:10 UTC
Ooh, this is very spooky and cool. I haven't seen the show - RivkaT keeps telling me I have to - and this definitely makes me think she's right!


lolachrome July 29 2011, 13:18:04 UTC
Thank you!! And if you like the feel, then definitely RivkaT is right, you must check out the show! Warning though, it takes a little while to get going in season 1; I actually stopped after a few episodes, and came back to it by starting in the middle of the season (and then of course eventually going backward to watch everything I missed with great pleasure). But it's worth it; the characters grow on you, and it's a truly fun, creepy/thrilling ride.


coffeejunkii July 29 2011, 00:46:42 UTC
think of me tomorrow at 10am when i'm trying to get tickets!! also, i think lj might be back? it's been working pretty well the past two hours.


lolachrome July 29 2011, 13:18:45 UTC
I will send good tix vibes! Exciting! And yes LJ seems to be back. I found out after coming out of HP to comments to this LJ post that I didn't know existed :)


rhiannonhero July 29 2011, 00:49:44 UTC
I love it! If LJ will work for me, I'm pimping it!


lolachrome July 29 2011, 13:19:35 UTC
Yay, and thank you!! And as always for your wisdom & enthusiasm. You are awesome. <3


kitsune13 July 29 2011, 02:03:13 UTC
I LOVE THIS -- it's dark and unnerving, and you've captured Ali so well. It's wonderful! (And eeee, I am so glad you like PLL, it's totally my new crack.)


lolachrome July 29 2011, 13:22:02 UTC
Yay another PLL fan!! Actually, you may be the first PLL fan who has seen this vid; one of my betas had tried the show and stopped at a certain point, and the other had never seen it. So I'm thrilled that you feel like it captures Ali! I kind of love Ali. But I'm guessing that that comes through in the vid. :)

Dark and unnerving = exactly what I was hoping for. <3 Thanks!!

Also, somehow by association via your icon I now feel that cookie monster is a pretty little liars fan. That seems about right.


obsessive24 July 29 2011, 07:14:43 UTC
Ooh, this has really made me want to watch the show now. I love the cutting in, and especially that prolonged clip of them all dusting off their hands. And the repetition of that scene of them in the graveyard watching that video is so spooky. I really wanna know what happens in the mystery now. :D


lolachrome July 29 2011, 13:26:08 UTC
Yay, thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! <3 I have a bunch of thoughts re: how my process with this vid fits in with our conversation about killing the little babies, and experimenting but communicating ideas loosely & conveying a mood... but more on that soon. :) More to the immediate point, yes you must watch PLL!

And I have to add that that graveyard scene is my very favorite scene, but also a little baby I considered needing to remove. LOL. Someone reading this comment might get the very wrong idea. Can you tell I am totally thrilled that you singled it out?


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