Media: Fanfic
Title: Just Be
Part: 3 of 4 (revised up from 3… sigh… I really shouldn’t try to determine the length of these before I’ve finished them!)
Word Count: 1756
Author: lola_mejor
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee, nor would I ever pretend to.
Spoilers: “Funeral”
Characters: Kurt, Blaine, Finn, Warblers
Rating: PG
Category: Hurt/Comfort/Romance
Summary: Blaine tries to be there for Kurt during a tough time. (Told from Blaine’s perspective)
Author’s note: Hope you enjoy - the whole idea of this fic came from me wanting to explain why we didn’t see or even hear tell of Blaine in the episode “Funeral”.
Link to Part 1 Link to Part 2 ---
All things considered, Blaine thought he’d done quite well from Wednesday afternoon to get to this point. As he sat in his car outside Kurt’s house, he ran through the sequence of events one more time in his head. He hadn’t got a lot of studying done for his final, but the exam had seemed easier than he thought it would be so hopefully that wouldn’t show too much in his grade. He also hadn’t had much luck in not thinking about why Kurt hadn’t confided him him (hence the lack of study) but at the same time he hadn’t gone into full melt-down, although the way his classmates had been watching him he must have looked to be close to it a couple of times. Finally, he definitely hadn’t succeeded in not messaging Kurt over the past two days, but then he never really thought that was a realistic option either.
Blaine looked back over the messages. He hadn’t pushed Kurt with lots of them, and of what he had sent, he’d agonised over timing, content and tone.
On Wednesday, following his chat with Finn, he’d managed to hold out right up until he was getting ready for bed before messaging Kurt:
How was your day?
Looking back at this now he was struck by the simplicity of those four words. He’d drafted at least eight other iterations of the message, some mentioning “family stuff”, some mentioning “Finn”, some asking how he was, and some asking if they could meet up the next afternoon. But in the end - and as much as it had hurt - he had held back.
Kurt’s response came within seconds - a fact Blaine was grateful for as it stopped his heart from palpitating:
Long. More to do tomorrow. Cuddled up in bed listening to The Beatles now. Good night xx
Blaine hadn’t expected Kurt to suggest they see each other the next day, but he had been disappointed nonetheless. More than that, though, his heart ached at the thought of Kurt listening to The Beatles - he knew the emotional impact of their music for Kurt and could imagine him there, hugging his pillow with the soft light from his bedside lamp causing the tears on his cheek to glisten.
Blaine knew he couldn’t do anything.
Sleep well my prince xx
As soon as he’d sent it he had winced at the wording, worried it was too much - a fear that seemed to be confirmed when Kurt didn’t reply - but Blaine literally hadn’t known what to say and the aching distance between them had removed some of his good sense, despite good intentions.
After sending the message, Blaine had got into his own bed, and hugged his own pillow, with the soft light from his bedside lamp causing the tears on his cheek to glisten.
Thursday had progressed much like Wednesday. Well, almost. Blaine hadn’t wanted to send the same text message as he had the day before so, against his better judgement, opted for something more direct:
Let me know if you want to study together after school. Courage.
He hadn’t been able to resist saying “courage” again, but what happened next made him wish he’d *only* said “courage”.
If you can call a lack of the written word “silence”.
For nearly four hours, there was no response from Kurt to his message and by 4th period Blaine could feel the sweat from the tension dislodging his impeccably gelled hair. On numerous occasions he considered sending a follow up message; and apology, a plea, a declaration of undying love... ANYTHING to try to break the silence, but each time he forced himself to put his phone down (not attracting the attention of his teachers, though he saw the rest of the class was noticing his dance with the phone).
Just when he had thought we was going to crush the phone in his hand with frustration and fear, it buzzed. He had gasped audibly in relief and nearly dropped the phone; instantly thankful he hadn’t as it would have made an obvious clatter resulting in its confiscation. A few deep breaths and furtive glances to make sure no one was watching later, and he had licked his lips and with shaking hands, looking at the screen:
Busy again - and you need to study.
Blaine had felt hot tears pricking at the back of his eyes at the coldness of the message when the phone buzzed again:
But I miss you xx
It was lucky that the bell had rung to signal the end of class at that moment, so the strangled gulp-come-yelp that escaped from Blaine’s throat was largely unheard by the others in the classroom. Nick had caught it though, and at lunch he and a couple of the other Warblers had confiscated Blaine’s phone off him, promising to bring it back to him the *instant* that any message from Kurt came through.
Not having his phone for the rest of the day had seemed to make studying harder, because there was nowhere to focus his eyes while his brain went crazy worrying about Kurt and their relationship, but somehow Blaine had managed. He was even more proud with himself that he had managed to wait until late on Thursday night until he’d responded to Kurt’s message:
I miss you too. Goodnight xxHe had decided he wouldn’t wait for a response that night, and snuggled into bed with the phone held tightly to his chest. In that position, the feeling of it buzzing lightly against his skin a couple of minutes later caused a jolt to run through him in more ways than one.
Trying to focus on the illuminated screen in the dark, his eyes bleary, Blaine had smiled sleepily at the text:
Sleep well my prince xx
With that, Blaine had hugged the phone closer still and fallen asleep, secure in the knowledge that the next day was Friday.
Blaine put his phone down on his knee again. He had read and re-read the exchange of messages between him and Kurt over those past few days umpteen times. By sheer force of will (and the fact that phones weren’t allowed while taking finals), he hadn’t sent any message to Kurt on Friday.
Worryingly, that seemed to also mean that Kurt hadn’t sent *him* any messages. Correlation or causality? He didn’t dare think about it too much.
It was getting dark outside and he could see the lights in the house coming on slowly from where he sat in his car. Friday night was family dinner night at Kurt’s place, but he’d been before and was sure he would be welcomed; Burt and Carole might even assume Kurt had invited him. But he knew he was inviting himself and there was a risk Kurt wouldn’t react well. It was this fear that had kept him paralysed in the same position for almost an hour.
The bright headlights of an SUV blared through his windscreen, making him realise just how dark - and late - it was. As scared as he was at turning up at the door unannounced, he was more afraid that if he didn’t see Kurt, the distance between them would become permanent. With renewed determination, he pulled his key out of the ignition, pushed the door open, and walked with surprising confidence towards the front door.
“Blaine! Kurt forgot to tell us you were coming,” Carole smiled warmly as a glow of warmth and familial light emanated from the doorway. She had answered before Blaine had even finished the first knock on the door. “Nevermind,” she continued cheerily, not noticing the look of mild panic on Blaine’s face, “it’s lasagne tonight and I always make double for Finn to enjoy as left-overs the next day so there’s plenty. Although poor Finn looks like he’ll need some leftovers tomorrow too.”
“Oh,” Blaine was confused. “Is he alright?”
“Girl trouble.” Carole replied in a hushed voice, “but I’ll let Kurt fill you in.” She stepped back from the door giving Blaine space to walk inside and called out over her shoulder. “Kurt! Blaine’s here - and just in time too because dinner’s on the table so come downstairs now please!”
Carole walked into the kitchen leaving Blaine to close the door behind him and wait for Kurt at the bottom of the stairs. He found himself relieved that dinner was ready - hopefully there was less chance Kurt would tell him to leave with the whole family watching. Still, he wanted to gauge Kurt’s reaction to his presence first so stood there, perfectly still and alone, under the downlights in the hall.
“What do you mean Blaine’s-” Kurt stopped midway in both his sentence and the stairs at seeing Blaine in front of him. “What are you...” He didn’t seem angry, but Kurt’s body definitely tensed up at seeing Blaine so unexpectedly. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times and it looked like he was fighting back tears for a moment before he redressed himself - rotating his shoulders, closing his eyes and taking a couple of deep breaths before opening them and looking Blaine again.
“Kurt I’m sorry to just show up - I wanted to get here a bit earlier to talk to you first...” Blaine silently cursed the fact that he’d sat in the car for so long.
“Boys! In here now - it’s family night not date night!” Burt’s voice cut through the space between them, but didn’t seem to penetrate. Blaine and Kurt now had their eyes locked on each other, each searching for meaning and an explanation.
“Did you hear me boys?” Burt tried again. “I’m going to come in there in a minute, which means I won’t be able to protect your dinner from Finn’s appetite...”
“Coming Dad,” Kurt said, his eyes not leaving Blaine’s. His voice sounded a bit shaky, but Blaine didn’t think anyone else would notice. “We’ll be there in 2 seconds.”
Kurt lowered his voice to speak just to Blaine. “We can talk about it after dinner. I... I’m...” he hesitated, seemingly fighting to keep his composure, “I’m really glad to see you though.” He tried a wan smile, before moving down the rest of the stairs and leading Blaine into the kitchen.
Blaine felt relief wash through him as followed Kurt’s lead, and he vowed to eat his dinner as fast as politeness would allow so he and Kurt could finally talk.
Link to (final) part 4 Author’s Note: I originally thought I’d be able to get to the talk this chapter but time has run out for today and this is a pretty good chunk so I’m going to pause it here. We WILL have the resolution next time. Pinky promise.