Come What May (Prologue)

Nov 21, 2011 15:57

Title: Come What May (Prologue)
Length: Prologue + 3 chapters + epilogue
Author: lola_mejor
Rating: G
Pairing: Klaine
Genre: future!fic, angst
Warnings: self-indulgent
Word Count: 556

Summary: Kurt and Blaine are in their late 20s, still very much in love, and in an established, stable relationship. A simple question reveals that they may want different things, however. Can love be enough to hold them together?

It was such a simple question.

“Do you want kids?”

It was exactly the question he had been refusing to let himself ponder, even glimpse at in his mind’s eye, for the past however long. And now, asked so directly, so out of nowhere, in such a conversational way, Blaine found himself uttering the truth he’d been trying to avoid for months; years.


He broke off for a moment, the rest of the sentence remained unsaid and he kept it buttoned behind his mouth. Because if he says the next part, it will be too difficult to ignore:

"Yes, but Kurt doesn't..."

Instead of saying that, however, Blaine talked amiably with his coworker about his and Kurt’s plans for the future. How they had both really enjoyed living during their 20s but that it was nearing the time when they needed to grow up. How Blaine loved his job - even with the long hours - and Kurt would be the perfect primary carer due to his ability to love and cherish unconditionally; and the fact that his design work was flexible and often done from home. His coworker was looking thrilled at their conversation, like she was proud of Blaine and Kurt as a couple, and wished them all the best as they forged ahead with this fictitious future.

Because it was fictitious.

Because Kurt didn’t like children. He hated them in restaurants, he hated them in hotels, and more than anything he hated them on planes. He often spoke of the stress associated with having/raising children. Kurt saw the struggle it was for Finn and his young family to keep the good ship sailing, the money coming in, the children occupied and their parents’ relationship intact with all the sleep deprivation and stress. Kurt marveled at it all the time, in a way that made Blaine only too painfully aware that Kurt didn’t want that for them.

But what did he want?

Kurt loves him, of that Blaine was sure. Blaine loves Kurt, of that he knew with every fiber of his being. Love was not the problem, nor would it ever be.

And yet.

And yet Kurt also said these little things sometimes, just out of nowhere, apropos of nothing, that always gave Blaine pause for thought; a flutter of hope.


“When we have kids…”


“Can we name our son or daughter ___?” [Insert ironic pop-culture/theatre name here]

And yet.

And yet what if these really were just throwaway comments, and not some indication of a subconscious desire for a future with children and a family to call their own? Blaine felt his eyes pricking with silent tears and he was glad he was alone in the office, his coworker having stepped out for lunch. How could Blaine and Kurt remain happy together if they wanted different things? What if love wasn’t enough?

With a shaky sigh Blaine realized he was no longer able to avoid what he had been avoiding for so long. There was a chasm opening up in front of him and he felt his heart contracting and leaping into his throat at the same time, making it difficult to breathe. He had to walk out into it. He needed to find out if he would fall or float across. He had no idea what was to come, but they had spent enough time avoiding the topic. They would have to talk.

And he hoped against hope that love would be enough, come what may.

A/N: Thank you for indulging me by reading. This is going to get a bit angsty, but we will definitely get to find out what happens when Blaine takes the leap.

blaine, introspection, angst, kurt, fanfic, klaine, multi-part, glee

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