So today is new years eve. I'm kind of excited but also really nervous. Not because of some crazy paranoia about 2011 but because I'm not celebrating with my normal kin. This years I'm celebrating at my cousins house because my step mom is having my dad a surprise birthday party. I haven't spent new years eve with them in YEARS. With my cousin it's been 3. I'm sure being with them will be totally fine and I have nothing to worry about but my cousin and I used to be attached at the hip best friends and last year we had a falling out. We've both just been busy and couldnt hang out as much since I had zack to hang out with and then College came around and so we just stopped talking. The last time I tried to pick it up it just resulted in finger pointing of who's fault it is for not keeping in touch "it goes both ways" my most hated phrase used that night. So I'm a little nervous that tonight the grudge will still be there but I think now were passed the anger and now moved on to the sadness of not seeing each other. I texted her last night and we were both so happy to be talking so I hope tonight goes the same way. I'm bringing zack with me so if she is mean I have him lol. Yay for back up.
in other news it's been awhile since I last posted. Only cause I only have a couple more days of break and I wanted to be lazy lol. But I need to put up my book review, if anyone on this journal cares lol, but I do it for a community so HA it's not pointless lol. Also I have to make my resolutions. I usually end up breaking them but let's try anyways =)
1. Stop cracking your knuckles
2. Post on live journal at least weekly
3. Read more
4. Talk to Sarah at least weekly even through just a text.
5. Get a job
Theres probably more I'll think of. I'll let you know how tonight goes.
Till then...
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