Jan 25, 2004 21:21
For the record, I wasn't seriously considering giving Tim away. I'd miss him terribly, even if he is a pain in the ass a lot of the times. Tam would be very lonely without him. Tam was super cute this afternoon, as I lay on my bed talking to Rob on the phone. She crawled up on my back and fell asleep. She could teach her brother a lot about feline-human relationships.
The day didn't turn out at all like I planned. I'm happy to say that all the drama this weekend was not mine. Was going with Lisa to see Calendar Girls, didn't make it. Ended up spending the afternoon with Lisa anyways. There's a good possibility my blind date is over even before it got off the ground. Alas, it just wasn't meant to be I guess.
Back to work tomorrow. I wish the rest of the week passed as quickly as the weekends seem to do.