HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAKKI!!!! Tsuba better have gotten you something good! =D Like a full body rub-down or something! XDDD
Or you know... this, but more! ;D
Here are a few pics of his capris epidemic that he had a couple years ago! =D
1. Two shots from "Sunrise Nippon"
2. All or Nothing
3. Jidai. Hehehehehe, Sho must have felt sorry for him... but only half sorry! XDDD
Uh.. that's all, I know I have more somewhere, but I'm too tired to look! x.x
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STAR!!!! And for you?!?! A pic!
JUN!!! Yeh.. I bet you got that in like 2.2 seconds.... x.x
Anyways, a nice pose, eh?? XDDD~~~~
That's it for now! Ttyl!
~ Lara