Nov 01, 2004 13:36
..... either that or it's just snowing.....
But seriously, the whole year was looking exactly like last year, and then.... *heaven's open* ..... It freakin' SNOWS!!!!
(sidenote: Last year it didn't snow until mid/late December, and even then, it didn't start really sticking until January. ^^;;)
Well anyway... I'm in Women's Studies right now. Just got out of Spanish not too long ago.... God damnit, I -hate- Spanish. ;_; I didn't go last Monday 'cause my iron was really low, and I couldn't even get out of bed, so I didn't know we had to have a 200word thing to read aloud today. Bye-bye participation marks.... And on top of that, I only got 50 on my last test.... but, at least I passed this one. I only got 36 or something on the last one (that nearly everyone failed). Dagnamit... does anyone know Spanish and want to teach me? x.x
Gah! Class is starting... Ja!
Yeh, I wrote that in school. And now.. continuing. ^^;;
I feel a little better now. But I'm sooooo worried about my marks now. I'm not doing as good on things as I think I am. I mean.. I thought I did pretty well on that test, and then.... ><;;; Ahh.. I need to study more I guess. Easier said than done though... I've never had to study before... so ... I don't really know how... But, I guess I'll just have to do it anyway... I need to do like super-freakin' spectacularly on everything else, so I can get funded for next semester.... 'Cause if it's not getting paid for, then I'll have to cut back my classes and try to get a full-time job... and I'd much rather go to school than work. ^^;;;;
Or... maybe I'll just run away to Japan. Someone wanna hook me up with a job? XD; Hahaha. For some reason... I wouldn't mind working there all that much.. But, my goal is now to be there April-ish if not earlier, and then go to concerts. XDD Gotta go see V6 with Nermal!!! That's what I'm aiming for at least. xp I think that would be a hilariously fun time. XD Particularly if we dress up and show our Canadian-ness... XDDDDD (Like the girl in Nermal's fic! LOL)
Anyway... I think I'll write a list of things I have to do.... and then I'll come back and scratch things off as I go, I guess. ^^;
1. Work on German essay. ~ it's a story, so should be pretty easy.
2. Read 2 chapters in PoliSci text. ~ soooooo boring...
3. Work on short story for Spanish.
4. Write "letter" for French.
5. Read some chapters in WmnSt text.
6. Take notes for PoliSci essay.
7. Clean room. (or at least put clothes away) ><;;
8. Clean off desk.
9. Finish painting christmas gift. Mostly done anyway.. just have some touch ups that I'll do tomorrow. ^^
10. Do dishes.
And then... watch Gakkou with Nermal!!!!! XDDDDDD
Holy crap, I have to get going........ ><
Oh.. and add 11. Work on Website!!!. x.x;;;
*runs away*
~ Lola
nihon ni ikitaiii,