Sep 02, 2009 18:02

And no the title isn't a keyboard smash XD

For the sake of figuring shit out I have made a list of things I have said I'd do with people... Why is Feli a damn whore?

OKAY FOR FELI!!!!!!!!! In no order what-so-ever... besides the last two.

- football match
- meet Toni and Lenna for lunch
- forgetting of pants time with Greece
- Feli and Feliks need to meet
- cross dressing/drag queen party
- get caught by cops/stay in jail/get beat up by Vash and Logan
- show up all pathetic and beg to stay at Ludwig's place after being released

So, uh if I said I'd do something for you contact me here? Or on AIM? y/y? I have no AP classes or honors so besides math and chem FUCKYOUSCHOOLICANTDOCHEMORPHYSICSTHEYAREUSELESSANYWAYS!!!! I should have little homework and still be a lurker from 4 or 5-9 my time 8D

no we're sane i swear, i don't have ocd... maybe, your country needs you!, you better click on this

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