Revamping Post!

May 11, 2011 22:25

Hey there everyone! Here's the revamping post we recently mentioned in our announcements.

Now, we're not forcing you to change your character by any means, but if you have changed or plan to change a major aspect of your character(s), please use this post to let the community know about these changes so there isn't any confusion in the future. Please post especially if these changes go against anything in your application or if your application itself has changed since it was accepted.

Also use this post to elicit suggestions if you want to revamp your character, but you don't how to go about doing it! Like I will be.

Some examples of what you might post:
+ Any major changes in character relations (past or present) - this means any added/erased/altered relationships.
+ Changes in occupation
+ Changes in background history before coming to Liberty
+ Changes in housing
+ Changes in family history (especially if said family involves fellow characters)
+ Etc.

Again, please post even if you already revamped your character earlier! It's easy to miss things on one's F-List, and I'm sure that many of us do not constantly check each other's applications to see any changes have been made.

Hopes this helps you all and reinvigorates your muses!

!info: help, !ze mods, chchchaaaanges

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