Tere tulemast!

Dec 18, 2010 21:00


I know, 'ae' is a terrible greeting but that's just how Estonians roll. ;D

And with all of that out of the way, bare with me, I'm terrible at introductions.

I am... your new Estonia. Feel free to call me Livi or Andy or Eesti or 'hey you' though, I'll respond to any of them.

America tempted me with this place and I totally took the bait. I've been into Hetalia around 2 years and have roleplayed Estonia since (but not exclusively of course, that would be boring, I like excitement~).

I'm 20, going in to my second year of culinary school, and currently live in America (EST timezone), am nearly always on the computer and up at strange hours so don't pay much attention to the time zone haha. I'm an Estophile who hopes to study Baltic History at the University of Tartu one day, and I just really enjoy learning about different cultures as a whole. I'm French, and ik heeft bestuderen Nederlands voor half een jaar. Northern Europe as a whole really really interests me. xD;

I will gladly fawn over you if you talk history or cultures to me~

This is actually my first livejournal roleplay, even though I've been roleplaying for... way too long. So please go gentle on me, I'll get the hang of it soon, I promise!

my AIM is zwervenn and my MSN is hospitalwall@live.fr, since I've seen others give it out in the intro post.

I look foreward to talking and roleplaying with you guys! (And making you try Estonian jellied meat. ;D)

!info: intro post

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