LOL_Comic Icons and Links - Spread the Love!

Jan 11, 2015 10:58

Thank you for stopping by lol_comics! These comics portray overly exagerrated parts of my life, and as crazy and racist as they may be, are usually true. Updates are random, but if you'd like to be notified of them you can follow the Twitter and Website links below.

New icon on 12-09

[NEW! Icon Archive Page!]
It's all organized WOW!

[Donation] Hall of Fame Top 10

Here's a list of the top 10 people who have made awesome contributions to my site. I want to personally thank them and everybody else that has contributed for their support. Donating isn't an obligation, but it definitely makes my day a bit better.

1.mrfrog- A new tablet hoshit
2. M. Maddy - $100
3. J. Hamelin - $75
4. Michael B, Michael G - $50

5. Chicago-lollie - $40
6. sevenfisher - $30
7.R Terkel - $20 Antony P, Ken Van Hoeylandt, Anne T.- $20

8. A. Knoblich - $18
9. digi148 - $15.29
10. Michael C., BillyBob - $15.00
11. passionless_me - $10.50
12. J. Fox, _vich_ - $10
13. xbenji65 - $6
14. Seanna B/Zetec/Penishat/digi148 abcdefghijkimmi, Krista K trashcan_blues -$5 each
15. Eddie B. $3

Donation top 10 High Score List Update on April 14, 2011! Thank you, Ken Van Hoeylandt!!

New! Updates Via Twatter~

And you can always keep track of LOL_Comics on the new website, PRGUITARMAN.COM
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