Jan 24, 2004 14:55
*Ring Ring*
Joey Joe: Hello?
Nielsen: hello this is Nielsen Netratings, is Mary B. availible?
Joey Joe: no, can i help you?
Nielsen: We are conducting a survey of internet users around the area, are you 18 or older and an internet user?
Joey Joe: Yes.
Nielsen: Would you be interested in taking a brief survey about the internet sites you frequent?
(now i get these kinds of calls all the time, and i had never taken a survey before so i decided to try it out)
Joey Joe: Sure
At this point she collects some information about me, nothing special, name, address, telephone number blah blah
Nielsen: Okay joe, we'll be sending you a letter with the info and a small token of our appreciation. In the meantime, please start the survey...
I get the URL, login and password for the survey and start taking it. It was very long and redundent so i decided to take a break and i wound up falling asleep...
the next morning...
Nielsen: Hi joe this is nielsen netratings, we were wondering if you got a chance to finish the survey last night?
Joey joe: no it was longer than i thought, ill finish it off today
Nielsen: and have you recieved our letter in the mail?
Joey joe: no, not yet, but i still have the website and login..
Nielsen: hmm, ok we'll send out another letter, thank you for participating.
I finished up with the survey and then found a letter from nielsen netratings soon after in the mail, fully equipped with 15 dollars, bonus.
then the next day i recieved another letter, also complete with another 15 dollars, mega.
Thank you nielsen//netratings.
may this also be a word of advice, dont hang up on telemarketers because they may have free stuff.