University, [Br]eaking [Ba]d, John LeCarré and Berlin

Oct 30, 2011 15:58

My microwave exploded, I have a sore throat and some fever, and the first Master-of-Science semester is anything but structured.
My schedule is full but due to our new, extraordinarily confusing university catalog (Studienordnung) I can't shake the feeling, I'm still missing some important lectures. And I hate lab-work. I'm a theorist not a synthesis-genius like that shy Breaking Bad chemistry teacher. Unfortunately. Otherwise I'd be out there in a veld, cooking meth with a cute hip-hopper XD
By the way, are there any fans of that amazing, dark humored, depressing and simply gorgeous series in my f-list? (Except the one, who is to blame in the first place <3)

Also, after the research work during the Bachelor thesis, it feels a bit weird to play student again. Plus, there are profs from Swiss & Ukraine holding their lectures in German, which sounds a bit wearisome, and German profs lecturing in English - vice versa would be a bit simpler but our administration despises simple decisions.

At least, it's not dull.

Last Tuesday we had a lecture about spectroscopy, especially the Mößbauer-Effect. Let me quote the slides with the synopsis of its discovery:

before 1958:   it could have been discovered earlier. But it wasn't.
1958:               discovered. Nobody cares.
1958-59:          okay, someone cares.. but doesn't believe it.
1959:               fine, everyone believes it. Still doesn't care.
1959-60:          Oh...
1961:               Nobel Prize!

Another Prof, another lecture:

"Here you can see the structure of serotonin: one of the neurotransmitters, responsible for the musculature relaxing, a so called 'happiness hormone'. Interesting fact: When in love, the level of serotonin is quite low. Then again, a person in love is excited not relaxed. Or so I have read."

And he was bloody serious about it. Lately I tend to think I'm going to end like him. What molecule exactly am I missing?
Enough of university, I still have my 'reactiondynamic' homework to procrastinate.

Oh, and John Le Carré is amazing when he writes about Ost- & West-Germany and the Cold War. It's been a while since I enjoyed such a well-plotted old-school Spy Fiction. No unnecessary details, every word is in the right place. And he sure has great observation skills. When he starts to describe a person I almost see a breathing human being even if he missed to mention their hair or eye colour or did so only at the end of the page.

Last but not least, Berlin was amazing, thank you, my dear <3

Sorry, for the blurriness - but I likes the motive a lot.

The same picture in the day light. (there is a DDR museum on the left waterside XD)

The LSD Linden-Alley:  (no photoshop, just Berlin Lights!)

Some more modern art:

Goethe keeps chasing me wherever I go:

As do my Jewish forefathers~

Another obligatory place to visit:

There where some cosplayers by the Brandenburger Tor!

(the guy in the middle is random XD)

Some crossover stalker-photos?


On the way home:

Museum-day II:

And the mandatory last photos:

Till now all the colours were original... and now some dumb photoshop >D

...Yay. Reaction-dynamics time!

uni, [br]eaking [ba]d, berlin, journey, photo, labs, chemistry, science, books

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