Best compliment ever: "Would you like to do your master thesis in our research group as well?"
But since it'll take me a few more years, in the meanwhile Prof B. offered me a job as his research assistant in the group! I'm not sure if I can manage both scientific research and studying in the next winter semester (lots of labs x_x"), but I'd love to return in the group for the next summer semester ^.^
(I can't tell you how happy I am right now - I feel honoured for my brains and and my ideas.. and nothing makes me so happy as appreciation, I'm a vain girl <3 Then again, this kind of satisfaction I also feel after writing a worthy story or making a perfect Birthday-present - it's this feeling of "I-have-created-something-new". It's an addiction, I'm afraid, like adrenalin or alcohol, when it's not there, the life seems to be all dull and boring... )
But, well, I shouldn't get too exited. First things first and I still have my bachelor thesis and a few more exams to worry about...
And, no, I won't tell you what grade I got for that damn oral examination. Was I really that bad?... Dear Me, you should really, like really start learning instead of fangirling your bachelor themes, drinking coffee with the doctorands and go shooting [but it's so relaxing!].
(I hope my Prof will never ever ask me for my official papers for I'd die of shame if he ever sees just how bad some of my grades are. Why the hell was I babbling that nonsense in the oral exam? Damn²)
As for the first attempts at image processing, I wrote a small algorithm for this transformation (not that much of a challenge and I'm still fighting against those holes in their scopes ò.ó" )
[click-able photos]
... and then composed those pictures to a video, where you can only see the strokes of their outlines and how they scrabble about, merging, falling apart, pushing dead bodies around - it's kind of fascinating. The creepy kind *_*;
I'd love to show off a bit more, but I'm not sure which results I can already show in public ._." (maybe there'll be a paper afterwards ^^)
I'll talk more detailed, when I'm done? But you can read the basics about the Dicties
here. And right now the experimental part is almost over (or so I hope) and I have started analysing the data. So from now on it's just maths. (for example - I never knew that a blur operation is just a matrix applied to a 2D pixel. o_o")
And something completely different before I'm falling asleep at the desk. A quote from a magazine my college lends me:
[sorry, it's German ^^"]
Titanik, S. 40
"Schule des Lebens
Gegen Ende jeder Beziehung werde ich vorwurfsvoll gefragt, warum mir denn verflixt noch mal das Zerstören so einen kindischen Spaß mache, warum sich alles immer bitteschön nur um mich zu drehen habe und warum ich so ein beschissener Egoist sei, dem die Gefühle anderer schnurzegal sind. Schließlich sei ich als Akademiker ja nicht gerade zu blöde, die Regeln des Zusammenlebens zu verstehen, und außerdem alt und erfahren genug, begangene Fehler nicht zwangshaft wiederholen zu müssen. Die Antwort lautetet: Ich trenne eben gerne Erlerntes von Privatem."
(c) Thomas Tonn
No end to my uni babbling in sight. Sorry? (In August/September it'll be over~)
But someday I'd like to fan-girl about Firefly, does anyone from my f-list watched it? >D
(P.S.: And I need to write that Sherlock BBC / Weiß Kreuz Crossover to get it our of my system...
Time, please!)
silly Personal massage to somewhere out there: "Whatever it was, that made your sad, my dear friend, don't you ever give up!"
(Arthur is not plugging drugs here. Or at least I hope, he's not... <3)