This note will be quite short, a mere sign of life: The university had started and this weekend there also will be the first series of our performances (my turn to speak will be in the third lecture-weekend - it's in May - on the third day... is the universe trying to tell I'm special? XD)
Lisbon turned out to be an absolutely marvellous city ... left by their light-headed citizens to decay. Absolutely irresponsible but with no bad intentions behind it - just the native laziness. As always.
No wonder the most remarkable arts and paintings belongs to an Armenian billionaire's museum - Gulbenkian's collection. They had Renoir and Claude Monet, Old Egyptian sculptures and Evangeliaries from Constantinople, Qing vases and décolleté jewellery.
But even apart from the museums the whole city should be declared as an unbelievable but amazing piece of art ♥ (one just have to clean the place up first.)
Unfortunately, my camera died on the very the first day, so I had to put up with my mobile phone cam - you can image the lousy quality ._."
(Also, I didn't realize, I was photo-addicted until my dear cam left me ... it's bitter)
Obviously, I can't resist to post a few stupid views anyway. If I just reduce the size to small enough pictures, then may be the low quality won't be that apparent?
I mean.. they do have modern art over there too <3
A bigger report with pictures and impressions will follow later, right now I'm a bit too tired for any coherent thought that is longer than two sentences.
(We had to change the flights on the Airport in Paris. And let me tell you, there is nothing more enervating than spending the whole night awake, while on your left there are a dozen of homeless persons - I'll never, never, never want to end like that - and on your right a few workers, boring and drilling and making impossible loud noises. The whole damn night long. Why on earth does everybody seems to work only at night? In Portugal it was just the same - are they afraid to bring shame on their families if someone catches them while OMG! working?)
Well, back in Göttingen I rushed to the
Science Slam , it's some sort of a humorous competition between the various profs and some mere bachelors, everyone tries to earn the audience's sympathy to win the game >3 This time it was Jonas Rohde with his comparison of the classic and the popular music. He especially talked about the "future-oriented attention" ("zukunftsorientierte Aufmerksamkeit" ) and how our brains rewards us (= likes the tone) when we can foresee or "intuit" the further trend of the melody~
Also, today I sneaked into an "Applied Criminology" lecture ("Angewandte Kriminologie"). Just because I can.
There was one "While Collar" episode, when an archaeology student attend to a criminology course and... well, there were no Neal Caffrey for me, but it reminded me a lot of the politics lessons at school >3 Next week I'll see if "Criminology in 19th century" will be more fun. Yes, now it's "Garrow's Law" to blame ^^"
Even if according to Sherlock, I'm doing it all wrong: covering my brains over with rubbish and useless data.. but I just have to distract myself from being too nervous from the upcoming bachelor thesis.
Also, when I'm in an auditorium - I can't eat and it's definitely a good thing for my figure (in Portugal they always gave me a double portion for looking so thin and cute. And I just can't say "no" to a tasty paella or some hot lasagne >3 ... and now I have to deal with the consequences x_x")
Speaking about food~ I've discovered my weak point for Häagen-Dazs. Especially for the mix of two portions: Coffee and Rum *_*;; It tastes absolutely delicious together <3
P.S.: My Dad told me, there were major problems with LJ lately. Was it that bad? Also - was there something else I had missed? If so, I would appreciate if you point it out for me, for I surely can't catch up with everyone o.o"
P.P.S.: Obviously, one shouldn't be boasting about enjoying the life way too loud - the university is an envious bitch. I'll have to work the next week too =/ In-between the lectures, the week-end performances and the preparation for my thesis (did I mention I have to learn python coding? Seems that my prof simply forgot to mention it the last time. Well, now I'm really a bit frightened of the upcoming weeks x_x")
"And if you cannot sleep, let us hope it's from anticipation and not fear." (c) Garrow's Law.