Some people accuse me of being a very cold and an insensible person. That's not true! I can get quite emotional. For example - I'm thrilled by the Russell-Paradox >3
Russell starts his reasoning with teaspoons. The collection of teaspoons clearly doesn't include itself as an element (you have to be a teaspoon to belong to this highly specified set of elements) But what about the complementary collection with elements defined as "not a teaspoon"? Since the set of not-a-teaspoon items is not a teaspoon, this set does contain itself as it's member.
Now, the next step: Let' us create the set S of all the sets that are not members of themselves. Will it contain itself?
Obviously, it can't. It would be against the rules, the definition is not to be a member of the set.
But when it's not a member of the set, it falls in the category of sets that doesn't contain themselves as an element and therefore it is the member of the set S.
You see - whether it is a member or not, we can't avoid the contradiction. The paradox.
Love those things <3
But, well, to prevent further accusations, I should post something really romantic and sweet right now :3 Just as the [P.S.] to my former sms:
here comes the sun~
(c) [updates]
University: Just one exam left! The problem is: I have almost 2 weeks to prepare which means... sure as hell, I'll get distracted and fuck it up. Focus, my dear! Concentrate!
Job: A few hours ago I signed my employment contract, I was talking about in the previous entries. Since it's only a part-time job, it's bringing me just ~125 €/month (=174 US$) but the paper work I had to fill today assumed I was signing for some secret government position o_O" article, paragraph, clause - the poor secretary had to read it out loud. So, now I've confirmed by the oath that I won't give away any state or private secrets. Now, I'm really curios what's coming up to me XD
Culture: I spend the whole weekend at my parent's, so we finally visited Hameln! The town where the Pied Piper of Hamelin walked abroad >3 The puppet theatre show was pure magic, I truly regretted, I left my camera home =/
Cinema: "Unknown Identity" - I'm tempted to say, that the best thing was the company the locations where the picture was filmed - in Berlin ♥ But I have to admit, the true Identity of the protagonist was fun to discover >3 (scores: 8/10)
Books: I found an old SciFi-novel written by Belyayev! *_*;; Just as cool as Jules Verne's stories! As a child I was heavenly in love with his books - dreaming about travelling, discovering new islands and creatures, and experiencing all the cool adventures :3
Or, and, of cause the fandom-meme, sponsored by my dear f-list >3
The steady:
Weiß Kreuz - It's about 4 years now (or is it already 5? o_O" I'm not sure.. but it seems to me like it was always there, hiding inside my brains, ready to make me go crazy and squee) and I still can't get enough - that must be love. Or some really hard obsession. Something you can't explain logical, but it just won't let you go~
Currently flirt:
Sherlock BBC >3 I've always found him rather sexy, but as a teenager we were just friends, never lovers. And than that BBC series happened. And here am I, totally in love ♥
The old flame you don’t see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp in the sheets:
Saiyuki - I'm not participating in any fandom activity anymore but I do enjoy an interesting fanfiction or a beautiful fan-art (especially when it comes to 58 or 10k goodies *_*;)
The one who seduced you and fucked you over and broke your heart in a million pieces and laughed about it:
Inception - I was quite sure, I would never fall for that film. But then my ex-girlfriend (the real one XD) introduced us and it made boom between us! I'm still not sure, how I ended up in his bed @.@" but it was great... even so, I'm relieved, it's over now :3
The mysterious dark gothy one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 a.m. at weird coffee houses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized he really was fucking crazy:
Axis Power Hetalia - nothing is as an insane as history x_x"
The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor, and whom you’d still really like to fuck again although you’re relieved he doesn’t actually live in town:
Sherlock BBC - It came like a tornado .. you now this song? "
You spin me right round baby right round" That's how I was feeling about that fandom. And it's still occupying my mind @.@ can't wail till his in town again~
The alluring stranger whom you’ve flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with:
Harry Potter - the fandom seems really cool, I'd like to be a part of it but... well =/
The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with but ultimately you’re just good buddies ‘cause the friendship is there but the chemistry ain’t:
White Collar - the show is great, the characters are, but the urge to create something myself just wont come...
Baccano! - he's a cruel and handsome (if animes had genders, this one would definitely be a guy :3) and we flirted like hell.. but he's still just a good friend.
Wild Adapter - once again, a great friend but not a lover.
Avatar, the last Airbender. - I'd love to. But I just can't. One have to be a paedophile for that one
The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool guy except it’s never really gone anywhere:
BlackButler. He's really cool and I enjoyed our weekend :3 Just ... not my type, I guess?
The one who’s slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at him and thinking, “Him? How the hell did he land all these cool babes?”:
Finger by Ayano Yamane o__O!" (actually, the smiley already expressed everything I could have said...)
The one your friend has fallen for like a ton of bricks and whom she keeps babbling to you about on the phone for hours, and you’d be happy for her except you just know it’s going to end badly:
Hetalia XD
The ones you repeatedly cheat on your steady with:
Nowadays it's my current obsession - BBC Sherlock but "I'm so changeable" :3
The one who gave you the best damned summer of your life and who you measure all other potential partners against:
Weiß Kreuz <3
[@Japan. Not praying but thinking about, feeling with and hoping the best.]
PS.: I'm really quite sleepy right now, so I'll beta read this post tomorrow, not now @.@