Sexuality of the furry fandom

Nov 19, 2010 04:31

For long time Ive been wondering, what is the reason the sexuality of the furry fandom is so different from the rest of the population. Im pretty sure this question has been discussed on numerous occasions and numerous sites before, but I have yet to discover those, so Ive started this discussion of my own.

Lets start with the basics. According to Klisoura's furry poll (try googling it), the sexual orientation of furries is divided into three more or less equal groups. One third is more or less homosexual, one third is more or less bisexual, and the last third is more or less heterosexual. That also is an reason why a vast percentage of adult furry art is M/M, or/and F/F etc., but about that later in some other LJ post.

Ive been trying to think up the reasons, why is it so, and these were I came up with:

1.) New generation: As shown by the furry poll, a vast majority of furries is of age between 15 and 25. That means its a completely fresh generation, which is much less bound by the dogmas and klichés of the previous generations, and with the general openness of this era, young people fear not to express themselves and their orientation openly.

2.) Male/Female ratio: Again, the poll results show that 80% of furries are males, and 20% females. That makes finding a male mate much easier. ie some straight furries turn bi or homo, because lets admit it, we want someone who will love us (not meant in the adult way).

3.) Openness: Furry fandom is (mostly) welcoming and open-minded, and when a new fur comes to the fandom, he/she realises that gays and bi's arent what he thought to be (In other words guys in black leather, speaking with funky voices), but they are normal people like everyone else. The general atmosphere of friendliness in the furry fandom (especially at conventions) can be a reason too. Imagine it, its a completely common thing to see two males hugging or even cuddling at a furry con. And with the previous 2 reasons combined, its easy to throw away the dogmas one meets and is bound with in the non-furry reality, and admit that "I could really love someone of the same sex". Hell, I myself consider myself straight, but I have no problem hugging (or even cuddling, if theyre in fursuit) males.

4.) Newcomers: Some of the furries could actually be real bi/homo who adoped a furry personality in order to more "fit in" and find a mate. refer to a point 2.)  . And to quote one fur from FA: "It's a feedback loop. There are lots of gay furries because gay people appreciate a welcoming community, which increases the number of gay furries. That's my theory!"


Anyway, now its your turn to discuss the reasons ive written, or even add some of your own thoughts. I want to get as much feedback on this as posible, so please tell other furs about this LJ post too.
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