First post of 2006... maybe a little late. Just a tad.

Feb 12, 2006 19:59

Been a while since I posted, so I figured I should update all you oh so interested people about my going ons and so forth since I've returned to the Great White North.

Christmas was spent with the family. A traditional celebration with tree, ornaments, dinner, reminiscings and the rest of the pomp was the order for Christmas Eve. The next morning, the unwrapping of the minimal presents under the tree. Our family tends not to go overboard on present giving. As such, it was to my delight that I had received (well, I purchased it and they paid for it) an Archos Gmini 402. Now, most would wonder what the hell is a Gmini? Well, it's a 20GB portable hardrive with 2.2" LCD that displays pictures and plays MP3s and movie files. Sort of like an iPod video but with twice the battery life and can play games on it.

After Christmas was all sorted out, I made my way back to my hometown to visit friends that I hadn't seen in years. With luck, I was able to spend several nights at a good friend's place. Their parents were inviting as always and we ended up playing Euchre until 3am the first night. On New Year's Eve however, my friend, his girlfriend, and I went to a New Year's Eve party. It was the usual type of revelry that only smalltown folk could get up to. I was glad to see the old acquaintances and friends that I hadn't seen for about 4 or 5 years now. Most were doing well, some were married, even a couple had children. o.O

Finally the holidays were behind me and I began to job search in earnest on a Friday... which took all of one morning. I applied to several places, and sent in a couple resumes. To my surprise, I received a call back from a hiring agency that wanted me to come in Monday morning. Turns out they were looking for someone to take up the web developer position at their client's company, Egypt Has it All. If you're interested in what that is, just go to After a couple interviews - the first one being only 10 minutes long, the second one being 3 hours long - and two weeks of waiting, I was finally offered the position. The website is still a work in progress, but I have already improved it greatly. Actually, it was a designer's nightmare and still there are errors and messiness in the back pages that would cause a grown man to weep. >_< But the benefits of all this is that I get to work from home 95% of the time. ^_^

So now, I'm looking into get a new notebook, as I believe in one of my previous entries, I detailed the tragic demise of my former notebook in the harsh wilderness of New Zealand. Right now I'm leaning towards two manufacturers: Dell or Alienware. I haven't really gotten into detailed research, except I know I don't wish to spend more than $2000.

Next time: fluffy, cute cats that live under the deck out back.
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