Nov 13, 2008 00:54
1.) My paper that's due tomorrow. :( I'm about a paragraph into it.
2.) Posting my comics that I draw for the Retriever. I think one day I'll make a little compilation of every comic I've done for our newspaper, including the horrible ones. I'll sell it for a zillion dollars, signed.
3.) Posting doodles and WIPs more frequently.
I have the tendency to fail at deep introspection when I'm busy (or lazy). Will make an attempt to be interesting.
Mark is playing Fallout 3 like crazy. I'm going to have to play when he's finished with the game. More and more I find myself becoming very critical over video game graphics, especially when I can see the textures' seams. Texturing has become my specialty because I'm a strong painter. I'd like to move onto concept art one day, though.
What's funny is how I regretted not attending an art school before. Now, I don't have any regrets. While networking/alumna to video game studios is an important aspect that UMBC may lack with most studios in the area, I feel that if you work hard enough, and can sell yourself, you'll do just fine at any school. I don't have any debt because I got a full scholarship, and I'm likely in the same place I would've been if I had gone to a specialty school.
I do feel like I got incredibly lucky with my internship at BreakAway, which then made it easier to connect to Big Huge Games (not because I know anyone at BHG, per say, but because interning at BreakAway validates that I can work in a studio without major issues). My initial internship was largely through the help of an alumni, who I can't thank enough. BHG is perhaps a larger achievement, since I don't know anyone who works there. It's like making cold calls. At a recent portfolio review (and I've been to two of those, and one other BHG event), I found that I got along really well with some of the staff. I had no idea that I'd get a job offer, though, but I guess I've applied enough times (3? 4?) and shown up to enough events that I've made my interest apparent. I was incredibly impressed by their office! I think the working environment will be really super fun to work in.
I may write something more in-depth for anyone interested about how to break into the games industry, even though I don't consider myself an expert by any means. I'm only an intern, after all, but that's better than nothing, and has the potential to net me something much more serious.
Anyways, the point of that wall of text is that ANYONE can make it, regardless of their college. You just have to have the ambition to improve, and the ability to work with people. I find that the latter is an impossible skill to just... learn through extra schooling. I broke out of an impossibly introverted shell in my transition from high school to college. I have a lot of quirky life experiences, like selling my art to super raging anime nerds at Otakon, that allowed me to become very confident with promoting my art (and convincing people to give me money for my awesomeness). And essentially, that's what you have to do in this industry: convince someone to give you money for being awesome.
With that said, I would like to make it easier for UMBC students to be taken seriously in Hunt Valley. I'm not a fan of nepotism, but I think everyone should get a chance to be seen. And yeah, I do agree that most of us need to step it up to have any chance against our strong competitors!!!!!!!!!!! SO GET CRACKING.