not so safe anymore

Dec 01, 2009 22:59

not so safe anymore

We thawt we were all safe there. Like nothing could touch us. We were over 2000 strong. But something found its way into our little fortress. Our little fortress of a convention. My home away from home every may. We were safe inside our little city con every year for the last 20+ years (15 for me). But not anymore.

This evil that found its way into our town. Where did it come from? Who let it in? I know it wasn't me! Did it make its way in when our defenses were down? When we were forced to move from what we knew as home base? We found a new home and thawt we were safe again. We let our defenses down again. One of our own was struck. How many times has it happened? Do we know how many we've lost to this beast? Will it ever go away? Will we ever defeat it?

We have to build up our defenses again. We can't let it get in again. We can't let it win again. Who else will it take from us?

I didn't know him personally, but I have seen the magnetic personality of his other half. She always had a nice word to say. And now she is hurting from the loss of I hurt. I'm sure she wouldn't know me from Adam in our little town, but for whatever reason, I feel her sorrow. I cry for her loss. I cry for my friends who were closer to both of them. I cry because it is very very real to me. I cry.

This evil was brought into our little fortress and it needs to be stopped. We can not fight it alone, so we fight it together. Cancer is its name, and it must be stopped.


sadness, baycon, loss, fuck cancer

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