Cougar's Character Sheet

Nov 01, 2005 19:19

With the end of the Mage chronicle (and a total letdown on my part, but that's for other rants), I present Cougar's character sheet.

Cougar Maiwith
Tradition: Dreamspeaker

XP: 114 (37 no longer counted toward cap due to Gilgul)
Unspent: 16

Essence: Questing
Nature: Child/Martyr (formerly Rogue/Child)
Willpower: 7
Arete: 0 (formerly 3)

9 Physicals: Ferocious, Nimble x2, Quick, Resilient x3, Wiry x2
10 (13) Socials: Beguiling (x2), Charismatic x3, Charming, (Friendly x2), Ingratiating x2, Magnetic x3
10 (13) Mentals: Attentive, Creative x2, Cunning x3, Disciplined (x2), Insightful x2 (x4), Shrewd

32 Abilities:
Alertness x2, Awareness x4, Cosmology x5, Crafts: Drawing x4, Dodge x2, Enigmas x2, Investigation, Linguistics: Navajo, Medicine, Meditation x2, Occult x2, Stealth, Streetwise, Subterfuge x2, Survival x2

Traditions 2, Awakened 2, Dreamspeaker 3, Umbra 1, Spirit 1, Wraith 1, Shadowlands x1

21 Backgrounds:
Arcane x5 (x3)
Avatar 0 (Avatar x4)
Dream x4 (Dream x2)
Node x2
Sanctum x2
Wonder x2 (Elk's Tooth Necklace)
Curch Influence x5

Merits & Flaws:
(Blessing: Spirit Sight), (Blessing: Step Sideways), Medium
Amnesia (bought off), Derangement: Fugue (bought off, taken again), Nightmares (granted in play)

Dynamic: Windy x1

Spheres: (All removed after Gilgul)
Correspondence 2: Compass/Survival
Landscape of the Mind, Scrying
Forces 2:
Darksight, Invisibility
Life 2: Feather/Medicine
Life Scan, Heal Self
Mind 2: Worrystone/Meditation
Mind Empowerment, Psychic Impression
Prime 2: Necklace/Occult
Watch the Weaving, Consecration, Holy Stroke
Spirit 3: Drawing/Crafts: Drawing
Moving the World Walls, Walking the Open Path, Spirit Sight, Call Spirit, Awaken the Inanimate, Stepping Sideways
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