Saa~ I want to find a party to go to so badly. Somewhere loud. So loud I can scream and no one else will know it was me~ Aiyaaa.. do they even have places like that in Japan? In America I went out a loooot. Come to think of it, I don't know how I managed to stay so refreshed all the time ♥ I usually only got 5 hours of sleep tops. And still a B
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It's so cute that she gets to call you Onii-chan~ I wish I had someone like that! Though Omi-chan is like an Onee-sama to me, too!
I hope Shina-chan keeps coming to sing,
Mm! I couldn't say no when she asked me to be her big brother. She has a cute sister-like quality, nee? You can call me onii-chan if you'd like too~ I don't mind at all ♥
And yes, Omi-chan does work there, as a waitress. :D She told me to go and eat there anytime, so no time like the present, ne~?
She really does have that quality! For sure! And I could love for you to be my onii-chan, definitely. ^___^ It would make me very happy, to have an Onii-chan and an Onee-sama, and being able to take care of them both! ♥
You're so sweet! ♥
I'll go and get ready to go and then stop by your apartment, okay~? ♥
And thank you, I think you're sweet too! Onii-chan! ♥
Ooh! Okay, I'll tidy up a bit then ^^;
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