Fandom: PotC in the way in which I tend to mix it with everything else
Main character/s: James Norrington, Floyd Braecken (OC), Other Canon Characters
Rating: PG - 15ish
Pairings: Though this ain't a romance-centered fic, there will almost certainly be some mention of how people are coupled up in various complicated ways. They will mainly be...
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Other than that very interesting! His long hair seems.... almost ridiculously long but the rest if quite belieavable for PotC. Good fun, and I can't wait for more!
The long hair ... let's see, he's gone from shoulder-length to waist length since 1722 .. he's had 14 years. XD Assuming he let it grow without pause. Which he probably didn't. He's just kind of gradually lost the plot since meeting Jack. And seamen did use to have epic queues of hair, I'm just thinking Killick in Master&Commander when it rains... XD
Anyway, do you like privateer/Jamie?!
Oh yes! Well, it wasn't the length time so much as the actual length of hair itself. But I suppose my modern colours are showing when I cringe at the thought of a man with loose waist-length hair. *embarrased grin* xD Epic queues are good fun, though!
Do I like privateer!Jamie! I love him. Quite a lot. ^_^ And lulz at the brandy comment!
You're not one of those who go for men with epic hair then? XD I prefer styled hair over length - quality over quantitiy. I've seen too many metalheads with nice but boring plain long hair swinging it about to get too excited over it ... but hell, it's what James told me he had. I supposed I'd let him have his bout of anarchy against convention. XD
Yeah the brandy. He's a bit of a sot isn't he lol Bless him. I suppose he'll get crates of brandy and from ME if he uncovers Floyd!
LOL! I too like style over length. Although a really long braid would be lurvely. Long, loose hair on guys just reminds me of bad pulp romance covers... >.>
Pulp romance covers! Lolz! Brilliance! I know what you mean though. I think the last guy I found really hot with epic non-styled long hair was the guy who played Romeo in the French musical and I've clean forgotten his name so I'll list Louis de la Pointe du Lac instead, who has short hair in the book and therefore doesn't count. XD Point being ... yeah, it lost its appeal at some point.
However, for James it sort of signifies freedom, hedonism and imitating Jack Sparrow. ^^
Lol, yeah, definitely.
But if that's James' reasoning, than I'm completely behind it! xD
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