Aug 18, 2008 21:46
I tried to buy a desk from a guy off of craigslist. He sold the desk to someone else mid-transaction because I didn't respond to an email he sent me at 10:30 this morning. I'VE BEEN AT WORK, YOU STUPID FUCK.
Apparently he couldn't simply tell the swarms of other people interested in the desk that he had another offer, but to check back with him later in the week to see if it was still there. Apparently, it had to be sold to me TODAY or else he would lose all other offers for it and thus never sell it. And despite the fact that I asked him in 3 SEPARATE EMAILS whether it would be a problem if I couldn't get down there until Thursday, he didn't think to ask me to come today UNTIL TODAY.
He sold my desk. Jackass.
I'm really mad, not because I won't find another desk or because I paid him already or something, but because I feel slighted. HE SOLD THE DESK MID-TRANSACTION. You don't fucking do that. And you don't assume that someone isn't interested simply because they weren't home to check email between the hours of 10:30 AM and 9 PM. As it happens, I could have made it down there today if I had had to, and if he had simply mentioned that one of the THREE TIMES I asked if I could wait until Thursday, he wouldn't have sold my desk.
Gaaaaahhh... I'm so unnecessarily pissed right now.