(no subject)

Jan 22, 2010 08:49

favorite facebook status and comment ever:

status: "Why is it that a guy who sleeps with a ton of girls is awesome but a girl who sleeps with a ton of guys is a slut?"

Comment: "Well, think about a key and a lock... A key that opens a bunch of locks is a great key, but a lock that is opened by a whole bunch of keys is a terrible lock."

so school started (obviously). my classes are as follows:

-Presidential Politics and Policymaking (i study for this by watching the West Wing)
-Maritime Law Enforcement (criminal justice from junior year + international law from last semester + water)
-Islam (dirka dirka muhammed jihad. seriously though, incredibly interesting. completely blew away misconceptions i'd had about Islam. btw... reading the Quran really gives you some major insight)
-Diplomacy, Negotiation, and Conflict Resolution (aka how to argue/get what you want out of other people)
-Democracy in America (evil. pure reading. we pretty much read a book every week or two. my teacher is somewhere left of Karl Marx. yesterday i inadvertently pulled the pin on a liberal grenade that went off in the form of a massive tangent she went on by interrupting my analysis of US foreign policy)
-Badminton (.25 credits. if i fail badminton, i don't graduate. how awesome is that?)

i LOVE not being 2nd in charge of my company anymore. i am back to being a normal, slightly apathetic senior in college. somehow, though, i still find myself insanely busy. i have a lot of things to read this semester and i'm already finding myself to be out of energy now and then. somehow i'm able to keep up with most of it... for now...

we put in our dream sheets at the end of the month. looking at the "shopping list" and without being too optimistic, there are quite a few boats in Florida, so my chances of getting one of my top choices are pretty good. all of the boats i want are 210 foot Reliance Class Cutters that do drug and migrant interdiction + the usual search and rescue + bringing relief to Haiti + other similar stuff.

3. CGC VENTUROUS - ST. PETERSBURG - 3 spots open
4. CGC RESOLUTE - ST. PETERSBURG - 3 spots open
5. CGC VALIANT - MIAMI - 2 spots open

they assign billets based on your class rank. i am 71/208. minus all of the people that are going to have to extend at least a semester and minus the international cadets that will go back to their own militaries, i am 69/199. there are two people ahead of me in my class that want the VIGILANT as their first choice, one of them is an engineer, so he doesn't count toward the 4 open spots, but he'll still get on the boat. he's the only person that wants to go as his first choice that i don't foresee serious problems with. the other guy is not the most tolerable of people. actually, i really dislike him a whole freaking lot. after me, there are a few people that may want to go to the VIGILANT, but, again, they are difficult people to work with.

ugh, well none of this will matter when we're famous singers.

41 days till i find out where i'm going.
117 days till i get to go there.
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