
Nov 13, 2009 23:29

names have been changed to protect the people that piss me off.

my roomate is 1st in charge of our company. I am second in charge. we both oversee all of the things that go on in our company and deal with personnel issues. when the time comes, we have to drop the hammer. personally, its the toughest part of the job and being a leader in general. we've both developed a decent relationship with people in our company and we step in when necessary to use our authority to settle problems or praise or punish those who deserve it. we have been pretty good about praising thus far, i think. that's the easy part. a public "good job" is no problem when someone deserves it. we admit when we are wrong to the company, too. we are honest with people, even if it is tough for us to be. all we ask is that people treat each other with the same respect that we treat them with.

our 2/c (junior) in charge of the 4/c (freshmen) (aka the "guidon"... pronounced "guide-on") is, in our eyes, doing a decent job. she has problems getting stressed out here and there, but her job is stressful, not to mention she got stuck w/ the roomate from absolute hell (different story). she has her problems, and as her superior, i tell her that and we talk often about how she can improve. she's not perfect; i'm not perfect; no one here is perfect; deal with it, help each other out, and move on.

unfortunately, a few other juniors in my company do not like how our guidon (Julie) is running things. they don't like the way she handles certain things, etc. etc.... like i said, when she gets stressed out, she can be a little bit bitchy. but lets face it, there are moments when all girls get bitchy (at that time you are supposed to go down to the old pub instead). Now, if there is one thing i believe in, it's that when you have a problem with somebody or something, TELL THEM. as Danny once emailed me from an email from his captain, CONFRONT, COMMUNICATE, and COLLABORATE. thats how you solve a problem. "when you choose to avoid a problem, you choose not to lead." that being said, the confrontation must be mature and constructive, i mean, c'mon, we're all adults here, right? w


the guidon/Julie comes back to her room the other day to find an article torn out of a cosmo magazine. the title is "Is Stress Making You Bitchy?" with the word "bitchy" highlighted in yellow.

what is this, the 8th grade? we can't tell someone they are really stressed out and it's becoming a problem, so we have to leave cosmo articles calling someone bitchy on their desk? i'm just fucking disappointed in people.

so Julie finds out who did it (not sure how) and confronts her (Ellen). Julie is pissed, but fairly calm yet expressing how offended and upset she was upon seeing this article. Ellen says she thinks it would be a good wake up call for Julie. Julie, seeing she is getting nowhere w/ Ellen, comes to me and my roomate.

I feel like a 3rd grade teacher. "Billy hit me!" "Well Jimmy, kick Billy in his undescended testicles and call it even."

my roomate call Ellen and Trish (her accomplice) into our room to talk. long story short, we lay into them. we did not report them, did not tell anyone higher up than us, etc. but we did let them know that what they did was stupid, childish, immature, disappointing, setting a terrible example especially in lieu of other different and slightly related events, and completely unacceptable as juniors at our school (etc.). my roommate and i were pissed, but respectful. we had a problem w/ them, so we talked to them and let them talk... then we destroyed their defense because it was no excuse to act immature and bitchy.

and now i got an email saying they want to talk to me some more.

i cannot effing stand it when people act like total jerks to each other for no reason. if you have a problem, confront someone and work through it. if it isn't working, get a higher person to help work it out. respect decisions made at all levels. fix problems, after all, the 2/c will still be here and hanging around living w/ each other for another 17 months. get cozy.

i'm just disappointed.

am i wrong?
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