Jun 15, 2005 15:48
i know i was supposed to be sad about leaving and all that junk but for some reason... y'all don't hate me for this... i don't really miss any one... i mean i went to odessa for freshmen orentation and i had no homesickness what-so-ever and i read about what was going on back at home and it just didn't intrest me at all... don't get me wrong i still love you guys...i even thought about you all more than my mom... but i just can't seem to bring myself to miss you all when i move... in fact i might be moving up there soon... as in between now and july 4...depends on if, when, and where i get a job first... i really can't wait to go... i haven't felt so at home ever in my entire life... like when i got my sunburn and i could barely walk one of the guys drew me up a bath and they let me stay down stairs in their apt. and when a coupple of base ball players where giving me shit they went and took care of it for me ... i already feel like i'm part of the family there and i was only there for a week...i honestly miss them more now then i missed everyone in elpaso for the week i was up there... no doubts i still love all you dorks(as berna would put it) and batches (as rene would say) i just don't really feel i fit right here any more....