Nov 03, 2004 01:13
We the non-slack-jawed people, do hereby bitch and moan about Middle America.
What the fuck man? Its so frustrating to be an agnostic/athewhateverist in this country and deal with a president who was elected because he talks to Jesus... the right Jesus... oh but not the original catholic Jesus... they voted for Jesus 2.0... the Jesus who fights wars and is a strong supporter of the death penalty... and HATES them heathen homos.
So anyway. I didnt get to vote... apparently moving to Red Sox nation is a felony in New Jersey.
Thankfully, NJ and MA both went to Kerry. Not to mention every other region where there is an ethnically diverse, well-educated population.
This election's been decided for a while now. The hick assholes would never vote for a catholic Yankee. So why did the democrats move Kerry forward? Was it because they wanted someone who would reflect their liberal ideology? Did they really think in such a divided world... this guy would somehow win? To take votes from an incumbent and maybe stir up some non-voters... im pretty sure youd have to be seen as a moderate. Did the Dems really want Kerry to win? Of course right?
(Insert "huh? Jim a conspiracy theorist?" here)
I doubt the Dems are that stupid. This candidate intentionally wasnt helped at all by the DNC. During the summer when the GOP slung mud and dead stem-cell-raped-fetuses wearing homo-wedding bands at him, what did they do? Attack add after attack add, and all Kerry had going in his direction really as far as both sides were concerned was F9-11. I think the outcome from that movie was just preaching to the liberal choir and repulsing the god-fearing right. So where was the Kerry campaign while the swift boat adds were running, and getting even more exposure on the news? Why didnt all of his advisors (mostly former Clinton advisors) really pound out how those people were utter bullshit artists... why didnt they tear into Bush's past and COME ON! FUCKING SHIT ON A STICK HE DUCKED OUT OR VIETNAM AND KERRY JUMPED IN!!!! NOT TO MENTION HE WAS DRIVING CARS INTO TREES AND DOING LINES OF COKE OFF OF UNDERAGE GIRLS ASSES WHILE ... THE RANGERS SUCK!
the power of Christ compels me... the power of Christ compels me...
The Dems didnt try hard enough or at all because in 2008, they want their old mammy Hillary (not an incumbent Kerry) to run. Good Luck.
Heads Mexico... tails... aw hell Canada is fucking cold right? Tails Mexico.
Adios amigos. Tequila, do your thang.