A mighty wind's a-blowin...

Nov 13, 2003 02:21

Mmm.. .good movie... See A Mighty Wind :P

That has nothing to do with this post though! Just thought I'd include that... Wind rocks.. I love the wind almost as much as storms.. when the two combine into one fit of rage... I couldn't be more pleased... but today... I believe was the windiest day I've ever experienced.. it was awsome... I stood outside for an hour watching the sunset and just enjoying the feel of it against my skin.. it was great ^.^

I feel accomplished today.... I got a lot done and a lot of things fell in to place.. such as me finally getting my own credit card.... WHEE BANKRUPTCY HERE I COME! Not really.. I have no plans on being a moron and abusing it... but eh ^.^ For some reason it's a platinum card.. like the best you can get.. this continues to baffle me... but hey! I guess they were just impressed with something or another on my record... So who can complain?

I aced a quiz in my class this afternoon... and am feeling a lot more confident about it now.. got my grandmother a card and a CD for her birthday which was today... Bleh.. whole family out to dinner together.. Not like it's nothing we don't do on a bi-weekly basis anyway, but I do still hate it much of the time... Got a whole lot of crap done around here...

Even work was somewhat fulfilling! and I actually had fun for a change to what it's been like lately.. I basically ran around the store like crazy fixing things that everyone else had messed up, and getting things done that everyone else had just been ignoring for months, while managing to keep up with the usual crap and customer helpage and all that... Speaking of which I was visited by my mini-stalker again :P Not really a stalker... I'm just stuck on that joke for some reason I guess O.o Maybe some day we'll get to actually talk through some means other than LJ comments to one another when I'm not working and you're not shopping where I'm working :P but until then you're a stalker ^.^

Driving by the graveyard on the way home was vereh.... awsome/creepy... The wind had blown leaves into almost every hole in the huge fence that goes down behind it on McClure (or however you spell that street name..) and along the bottom were tons of flowers and bows and such plastered against the fence the same way... The mighty wind had blown them there obviously... and being just after Veteran's day there was a LOT of stuff.. I'd love to go drive by really slowly with a camera because it's kind of like a work of art over there but I don't have a light capable of making it possible to see, a camera of good enough quality, or the engergy to go and do it.. so just beh... Trust me though it's really cool looking,, pity they'll clean it up in the morning..

I hope I get my ability to write back soon.. I've been dying for some sort of expression.. and have a short story in mind... I muchly want to post it but I just can't put it into the right words.. cursed writer's block.. it's my damn english class's fault.. I don't care if there's a required one (for my major) or if there's not, I want to take a creative writing type class next semester... Just please no more of this reasearch bullcrap... especially working with this teacher who wouldn't know a good paper if it bit her in the ass.. that's IN the ass mind you... not outside on the bum... in the damn hole! >.> (Ignore that last comment) I just always have the worst luck with english teachers... At East (if anyone went/goes there and can relate) I had Galbraight and Zuckswerirdt (think that was her name) Galbraith... is the epitome of a grumpy old man.. and Zuckswhatever just zucks! (HAHAHAHA that was punny... *shoots himself*) and English.. is one of my favorite subjects by far! I just can't stand having shitty teachers for it! Anyone who goes to IUPUC who's up with the English department (ahem.. Lindsey? ^.^) please be my hero and let me in on who the good teachers are... Make my time there a bit more tolerable ^.^

Anyhoo enough with the boring summary posting.... Oh crap! Didn't I shoot myself earlier? OH FUCK! I'M DEAD!!!!!!!!!!111111oneoneone
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