Mar 10, 2011 18:35
The answer "what do you wanna be when you grow up?" has never been unclear for me. It changed every year but for that year DAMNED if I wasn't gonna be X.
Middle school I was going to be a writer or an artist.
High school I was going to be an actor or a writer.
College I was going to be a writer.
There's always been this lingering desire to do graphic novels. My parents said I should (and for my German mother to recommend such a field is...well it didn't come lightly), my romantic associate does, my friends all do, my family including my cousins and conservative grandpa & aunts/'s always been what I'm sorta known for in my family, but ironically it is the one skill I am LEAST LIKELY to acknowledge I'm any good at.
So now I have no idea what to do. I'll be painting a lot this summer, doing a graphic novel for my end of sem' project in a few weeks, and will be doing some art courses for my minor in the fall...I'd like to say I have time to decide but the truth is that's not exactly so true anymore.
Weird thing? The second I posted this entry, I got an e-mail newsletter from my favorite graphic artist telling me his new comic is out.
graphic novels,