That's right. Uh-huh. Wales. BTDT--been there done that. It...was...amazing. It is absolutely GORGEOUS and quiet and the shops are great and the Doctor Who and the /splutter/
Sorry. Let's try that again.
Okay, waking up at 7 is always disgusting but this time it was to embark on a daytrip to another country. The first thing I did when I got there (oh by the way, window seat with NO ONE NEXT TO ME....BOTH WAYS. Yeah. Score) was head off to Cardiff Bay to find a) exterior sets of Torchwood/Doctor Who b) the Doctor Who/Torchwood exhibit at the Red Dragon. On the way I got lost (signs in Welsh...not my first language. Not my anything language but DAMN does it sound cool) and found this family from Liverpool. The little boy was wearing a Dalek shirt so I figured my odds were good. They were so nice!!!
Eventually found the exhibition. I saw Daleks and Cybermen and THE FREAKING TARDIS and K-9 and costumes and eeee! I should only post one pic from each bit I mention so let's go with....this one for the Doctor Who-ness:
Next thing I did was walk around the bay and have lunch. Man that place was gorgeous. Here's proof.
Finally I realized I was lost as shit. But even though I couldn't read the signs, I saw the skyline and recognized two buildings so I used that North Star-style and found my way back. But I had an hour to kill so I went along the High Street. Mmm white cowboy boots <3
Thus concludes my journey to Wales. I love it so and hope to visit again!