Wishful Thinking

Mar 10, 2010 20:50

5 Things I Wish I Could Do Without Having to Get Up Right Now Cuz I Really Need to Pee:

1.  Go back to my room and get my laptop so I could keep writing my screenplay.
2.  Pee.
3.  Take a shower.
4.  Lie down.
5.  Oh my god.  No, this is more important than No. 5--okay so as I am typing this, I am across the room from a bathroom.  In comes this guy, headed towards said bathroom but he is neither walking, nor running.  He has his arms stiff, pointed down, his fingers out like his hands were flippers.  He is walking in scissor-steps, leaping in the air as one leg goes back and one goes forward without any bending of the knees.

I miss that man already.  For he made my sitting here too lazy to even piss a better experience.

Okay No. 5...  Erm I'd like to maybe go get something to eat.  Perhaps a grapefruit.

Pretty much why I am sitting here in the Science Centre lobby using a Mac from the Renaissance period is because I just finished taking a math exam and saw that my romantic associate's bike is here so I am waiting for him to be done so we can walk back together and perhaps engage in watching a film or something.  He has not seen the new Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.  For shame.  Not as bad as two of my friends:
One has never seen Pulp Fiction or...oh fuck what was it.  It was something hideous.  Something every human being in North America has seen.  MULAN!  That was it.  And he's half Chinese which to me adds some humor to the situation.
The other has never, get ready, you might want to sit down (how else would you read LJ posts, on your head?) (well then take a deep breath)...never seen the original Star Wars.  ANY of them. 
These people are in college in New England!  How have they MADE it this far?

Oh, one last thing:
I wrote my new sex column on BDSM being a spectrum, needing trust and all that...I tried to not be either overly lecturing or overly graphic so we'll see what they think.


I am bored.

Lord of the Rings

01. The first character I fell in love with:  Aragorn
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Faramir
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't:  Frodo and Gimli
04. The character I love that everyone else hates:  Boromir
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer:  Pippin
06. The character I would shag anytime:  Arwen
07. The character I want to be like:  Aragorn
09. A pairing that I love:  Aragorn x Legolas
10. A pairing that I hate:  Anything either heterosexual or involving the hobbits or Gimli
11. Favorite character:  Faramir
12. My five favorite characters:  Faramir, Aragorn, Legolas, Pippin, Galadriel
13. My five least favorite characters:  Arwen, Denethor, Frodo, Saruman, Tom Bombadil
14. Which character I am most like:  Faramir and Aragorn mixed with Eowyn
15. My deep, dark fandom secret:  Is writing tons of Aragorn x Legolas fanfic porn really a secret?

lists, boredom, movies

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