In Stephen Colbert's standard way, I feel the need to give a Tip of the Hat and Wag of the Finger to some folks.
First A+ of the night goes to Mexico City for being the first Latin-American country to
approve same-sex marriage!
Next, an F to the Senate for furthering its decent into white-heteronormative-upperclass-male madness by increasing the confusion over abortion. Pretty much what they're saying is sure abortion's legal and can be covered by insurance--but women need to pay 2 separate checks: one for her regular insurance and one for the abortion care. Because what's better for women than drawing all this negative attention, shame, and hassle to an already painful subject?
Lastly, an A and F for Walt Disney.
Here are the A's and F's...
Disney is like Tolkien--awesome stories, horrible representations. I love 'em both but I just wrote a paper about Tolkien women and all I can say is "damn." Yet like most people brought up in the 90s, I've had my fair share of Disney cartoons so I thought I'd list the ones I thought weren't too "...WOW, Walt..."
1. Lion King.
I've heard it's King John but as I've not read that, I think the Shakespeare play it bears the most resemblance to is Hamlet. But all English Major stuff aside this movie's still got amazing characters. I don't think there's one I totally dislike. Nala's totally cool in that she tops Simba all the time, Simba's a sweetie, and Scar's an excellent trickster-villain. And the revenge scene at the end with the hyenas is just so perfect. And who can overlook the stoner friends Timone and Pumba?
2. Hercules
I could gush about this forever but I'll say that while horrifically inaccurate to Greek mythology, Megera is the bomb. She's flirty, smart, vicious, and sarcastic. What I mean is--she is not your typical Disney gal. Hades is hilarious and you have the man (Hercules) giving up being a god for his love (what? A woman not doing the sacrificing?!). And it's such a great zero-to-hero story.
3. Mulan
Do I even have to go into why this is an awesome Disney movie? A girl is the savior of China and lands a hottie. Plus "I'll Make a Man Out of You" is quite possibly the best Disney song ever.
The Naughty List
Then there are some Disney movies I wouldn't show my child EVER.
1. Snow White
The main offender. She is pathetic and should have choked on that apple. The end.
2. Bambi
No feminist reasoning here. Just...WHY?
3. The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Rape, murder, and corrupt religion. What's not to enjoy with your child?