Nov 26, 2007 14:25
for completely unrelated reasons, at this moment i kind of hope there is no reincarnation.... the boys were playing and the baby muttered, "when i used to be big?" my ears perked up... they always do when young children discuss what it was like when they "used to be big"... as if the memories are closer... well, he took a breath and went on... "When I used to be big? I ATE people. I ate my own baby."
ok, so that's a resounding no vote to reincarnation
right now everybody is over sorting through the old man's papers, trying to find links that we can hook Waco to so that she might stay afloat. i stayed home with the baby... didn't want to face another day in that depressing apartment--the shrine to all of the relationships he DIDN'T have. i called b to see how the progress was and he asked, "who is Jerry?" i responded... "that's another sibling" (an older black brother... i met him when he knocked on my door the day i graduated from junior high). he said, "who is joyce?" i said... "i... think jerry has a sister?" he said, "no, all over these army papers it lists joyce as his wife." "oh," i said, that's probably... "jerry's mom?" we also found letters to one "stevie," a fellow precisely my age who recently discovered Fuzzy was his dad
papa was INDEED a rolling stone
i won't go into detail about the photo scrapbook we found of his time in korea... complete with pictures of lots and lots of korean "ladies" posing in their underwear
gotta wonder... how many siblings do i have named... su-lin or some such???