Title: Making A Politician Shut Up: A Lover’s Guide
Word count: ~7700
Characters/pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating NC-17. A lot.
Summary: Draco is the youngest member of the Wizengamot; being a politician has not made him less likely to run his mouth. Harry would just like one damn shag evening without Draco running his mouth.
Warnings: D/s, clothed/
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Comments 54
So, okay, I haven't read this yet because I have to run out like, now, and I have a feeling this is going to require alone time and possibly a fresh set of batteries and oh my god, now I can't wait to come home and read!
(You do know, I hope, that now you have no choice but to marry me. I simply refuse to let anyone else steal you away. But don't worry, it can be an open relationship. There are too many pretty boys in the world to live a monogamous life.)
*loves on you*
:D Heh, I'm so pleased you were actually surprised! And you liked it! And I hope you've read it now and it was everything you hoped. You can skip the 'this was Draco's day and what caused his mood and his fluffy relationship with Harry and his snark' - that's like 3k, the rest is porn.
An open marriage between slashers where we also have lots of sex with pretty people would be basically the most awesome thing ever and an example to all fandom. Plus, two girly girls planning it = Most Gorgeous Wedding Ever.
Anyway, this is awesome. I can imagine perfectly how hot it was in their room, and I almost can feel how hot Draco was! Love this.
ART ILLUSTRATING ONE OF MY FICS IS LIKE, THE PINNACLE OF ALL MY FANDOM DREAMS. And art of Draco drooling on his knees!!! *chokes* You have made me REALLY HAPPY. I hope you get time to do it!
GoogleImages 'ring gags', I guess. I'd totally scare up some specific images, but I'm in my university library. :)
I hope you had a porny dream! And thanks for the comment, I'm so pleased you liked it! And your icon is MADE OF HOT.
And yes, I had a random, magic-involved, porn, slash dream after I read the fic. And I love you for it <3
There is something incredibly hot about gagged Draco, and I love Harry forcing him into such an undignified situation and Draco loving it despite himself. Yumm!
Man... that was fucking hot!!1 And I was complaining about there not being enough kinky H/D, lol. This was absolutely gorgeous. Gagged Draco is one of my FAVOURITE THINGS OMG!!!11 And ring gags are so hot... drooling... jahdhdgstegduskf!!!
Um... yes. *bites lip* Hot. >:)
Gagged Draco is the best thing ever, it's true. :D WHY DO I HAVE NO GAG ICONS WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.
And you are very welcome. I usually feel overwhelmed by the amount of fic out there but I knew I'd seen your user name before and I was curious, so I read and am really glad I did!
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