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monster_o_love January 22 2009, 01:30:00 UTC
Congrats on the Skyehawke acct & nomination!!! I'm so glad the "happy" has outweighed the "not-so-happy" for you this week! :)

It was rather funny for me to read your post as last week my life was also ruled by three's.

Not Terribly Happy Things:
1. My fridge broke. Although it was mostly filled with condiments and alcohol, this was still ridiculously inconvenient! And there was no ice for the alcohol. :(

2. I fell down the steep, icy, flight of stairs from my apartment. Again, there was alcohol for my pain but no ice for my bruises! Oh, the irony. (no, no, I'm not really alcoholic... no really!!)

3. Because my car didn't pass a certain test my insurance was 4x more expensive and I am already quite pathetically poor.

Happy Things!:

1. Our landlord bought us a new fridge! Woo hoo!! It's shiny & pretty & clean. Yay!!!

2. Though battered & bruised, I didn't break anything during my fall! Double Woo hoo!!! (except perhaps my pride? haha)

3. I heard from a friend who had been MIA for over two weeks and the last message I got from him said he had been in the hospital. But he's still alive & doing better! Now that's Very Very Happy News!!! :D

I think you have just a fabulous attitude in life, luv! *hugs*


lokifan December 17 2009, 23:05:01 UTC
Argh, somehow I didn't reply! So I wanted to say thanks for being sweet. :) Also, I hope your insurance has gone down!


monster_o_love December 23 2009, 07:44:26 UTC
Hahaha! Thanks, bb!! *hugs*


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