...And it's a meme. Sorry, but I'm late out already! I will post actual fic tomorrow.
Nicked this off
kennahijja. Least it's a good one!
List your top three HP characters from the book: Draco, Luna, Narcissa. Also Regulus and Harry.
List your top three HP characters to write: Harry, Draco, Ron.
What is your OTP? Harry/Draco forever!
List three other pairings you adore: Within this fandom? *grumbles* Okay! I love Snape/Draco, James/Sirius and Ron/Draco.
What is your OT3? (one true threesome!) Harry/Draco/Ron! I love the idea of the two best mates, knowing each other so well and completely overwhelming Draco. :) I also love any and all combinations of the Black sisters!
What popular slash pairing do you never read? Remus/Sirius. I am a James/Sirius shipper to the bone!
Do you like next gen? If you answered yes, which pairing(s)? Not really. I read it when
lavillanueva tells me something’s amazingly hot, but really I only like next-gen as it relates to the Trio generation. So I like Scorpius/Rose, say, because I find the concept of Draco and Ron as fathers-in-law hilarious.
Do you like cross gen? If you answered yes, which pairing(s)? I adore it! Snape/Draco is my very favourite, but I also like Draco/Albus Severus, Draco/James, Draco/Lily, Teddy and most people, Harry/Scorpius... I’ve not seen any Ron/Scorpius but I’m going to write it, because I think Ron/Scorpius porn would be HOT.
Do you prefer to read long, plotty stories or pwps? PWPs. I like plotty stories, but one of my absolute favourite things about fandom is one-shots: they’re different from original short stories and they can be things of absolute beauty.
Do you prefer any-rated fic or adult-rated fic? Adult! But I’ll read U-rated.
Is het okay or do you make a cross with your fingers and move along? I’ll read Lucius/Narcissa because I adore them both. I almost never read it, though, especially if it’s not canon. I’m here for slash, and femmeslash.