Title: Evolution
Rating: U
Word count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Willow/Tara
Disclaimer: The girls belong to Joss, even though I’m often nicer to them than he is.
Author’s Notes: This was written for the purple challenge at
nekid_spike, and features the current Nekid Guest, Tara!
As a teenager, Tara had worn a lot of purple. Not true purple, of course; she had a lilac skirt, and a lavender jumper. Pretty shades that allowed her to stay quiet and unnoticed; colours that fit the washed-out way she felt, as if at any moment, she might fade away entirely.
Things had changed at college. She felt more secure, more real, more magical; she wore a violet dress and talked with her few friends.
Thinking back, she smiled to herself, stroking Willow’s hair softly and thinking how well the red complemented the blazing brightness of her royal-purple sleeve.