Hi! Been a while

Sep 14, 2018 23:58

OMG, guys, it’s been SO LONG. Summer’s always crazy, though - I work long hours (though not as much this summer, which is a shame financially) and there’s lots of social stuff, especially since two of my best friends are state school teachers. Work is… well, actually, it hasn’t died down yet, but it feels less mad and tiring because there aren’t as many people crammed into the school.

I’m going to stay busy for a while longer, actually. Next week I’m either working crazy hours, or staying at work for crazy hours while I work on the next stages of my Diploma, i.e. the next teaching qualification. Summer’s over, so it’s time to get down to business with it.

I’m hoping to stay much more in contact though. So many good posts I’m catching up on <333

Let’s do a bit of catch-up, to help me get past the feeling of it taking a lot of energy to reply to comments/interact, pls. And for all I’ve been reading a certain amount, I feel out of contact. MUST TRY HARDER.

So, let’s do the tennis match meme: ask me a question in comments (RL or fandom) and I’ll answer and then ask YOU a question that’s somehow related to yours.

This was originally posted at https://lokifan.dreamwidth.org/375340.html. Comment wherever you like :)


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