Friday recs post: I take pride in it

Sep 26, 2014 23:53

I realised I never cross-posted my crack_broom femmeslash recs from last November here, so that’s most of this week’s recs post.

Also, inell wrote me SUPER HOT Ron/Draco fic!!! *rolls around in the glory* OMG, an awesome writer thought long-lost to HP fandom wrote me my beloved rarepair! AND THERE’S DRACO SAYING “PLEASE LET ME SUCK YOUR COCK, WEASLEY”! What more could a girl want or need?

I’m glad you asked, because this fic also includes an entertainingly scheming Hermione and Blaise, a fun Ron pov, and the possibility of Ron/Draco threesomes in the future :D

Good Girls and Bad Girls by gamma_x_orionis. Padma/Pansy; ~3000 words; NC-17; dub-con, school bullying, humiliation, magical-type bondage, tribbing, semi-public sex. Summary: Padma doesn’t like Pansy, and after being picked on and told over and over that she needs to have more fun, she snaps. By the time she’s finished, she likes Pansy a lot more.

This is insanely hot. I like the inclusion of Parvati getting all hot-headed and Gryffindor when Pansy bullies her twin; the characterisation is good. But this is just all about the hot for me: Padma turning the tables on Pansy, and Pansy loving it. Padma is also very focussed on getting off, which I appreciated!

That’ll Show Em by
woldy. Pansy/Ginny; ~3300 words; R; exhibitionism. Summary: She leaned in to kiss Pansy again, slowly, possessively. Her hand curled in the small of Pansy's back, and she hoped that anybody who didn't like it would choke.

I love this Ginny - defiant, determined, sick of people telling her not to publically display her affection for another woman, especially not this woman. Pansy is more anxious to please and the narrative doesn’t shame her for that; instead her desire to keep up a polite front becomes part of the hotness. Even if exhibitionism isn’t your kink, this is one of those fics where the characters are so vividly turned-on that it becomes hot for the reader too. And, for this queer girl at least, it is sheer wish-fulfillment as Ginny and Pansy take on the world.

Reading Between The Lines by dexstarr.Rita/Hermione; ~1400 words; NC-17; orgasm denial, D/s, bondage, begging. Summary: Rita needs a new playtoy.

This is an interesting pairing I’d love to see more of, and the epistolary beginning is perfect for it. Hermione as the well-read virgin responding to a personals ad is very in character, and Rita as the experienced, somewhat manipulative domme is shiverworthy. And it ends with Hermione still desperate, which I rather enjoy: that’s proper orgasm denial, that is.

Harry Potter art

Réveille-toi! by _afterism. Fleur/Tonks; NC-17. Summary: The best way to wake up

This is incredibly beautiful - I love the palette (yellow and pink with touches of blue and purple - perfect for the pairing) and the style. The shifting perspectives over the four panels is really well done, especially on the last panel. Intimate and gorgeous and so hot - I love Tonks' openness to Fleur.

Mermaid by mothwing. Pomona Sprout/a mermaid; G. Summary: Wysiwyg, really: a skinny-dipping Pomona being waylaid by a mermaid!

This is just insanely beautiful - Pomona Sprout skinny-dipping and meeting a mermaid, all in silhouette. Deep blues and greens so you feel you’re underwater yourself, and perfectly rendered details - I love the bubbles and the mermaid’s snub nose.

Untitled by
nearlyconscious. Millicent/Pansy; R. Summary: Millicent and Pansy enjoying themselves on a bed.

The nipple play is really hot; I love Millicent’s expression and Pansy’s flush. There’s also something of a butch/femme dynamic which works so well with this pairing. The contrast between Pansy in corset and stockings, and Millicent fully dressed in casual clothes, is sensational.

Girls’ Night by nearlyconscious. Cho/Lavender; R. Summary: Cho and Lavender about to make out :D

I love the limited palette, the affectionate, sexy feel of the piece, and the girls’ very different faces and bodies. There are lots of wonderful details here: Cho’s schoolgirl socks, Lavender’s pink nail varnish, the eye contact between them. Lovely.

Buffy fic

rest[Less] (the folsom prison blues remix) by
snowpuppies. Faith, Faith/Tara/First Slayer; ~1200 words; NC-17; violence and “weird-con non-sex”. Summary: At the end of BtVS S4, someone else receives a visitor.

Faith Restless fic! This is such a great concept. It’s done so well and it’s so sad (the Cheese Man tells Faith, “the cheese does not belong here”) and so physical and vivid in a way that fits perfectly with the overexposed world of Restless. Also, yay for
snowpuppies fic about Faith!

The Difference by
brutti_ma_buoni. Faith/Tara; 850 words; PG-13. Summary: Post-Who Are You AU.

The spell to fix Faith and Buffy’s bodyswap instead switched Faith and Tara. This is short but very evocative (and sometimes very sad: maybe it was just Faith's self-hatred that kept her out) and I love the Tara!POV and the prose style. Also that this feels as weird as it is!

This was originally posted at Comment wherever you like :)

recs: buffy, recs: art, recs: harry potter, recs: fic

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