Friday recs post: to love in the major key

Oct 12, 2013 02:04

More Rectober!

Harry Potter fic

Unforgivable by
musyc. Bellatrix/Draco; NC-17; 3000 words; rape, incest, underage. Summary: Now, I can put a name to my crimes and curses. Now I know what I did. - A memory and confession.

This is angsty EVEN by Bellatrix/Draco standards; the title is well-chosen. This is an older, wiser Draco looking back on his time with the Death Eaters and the truth of what he did -- even if he never names it, it’s clear he understands. The depth of Bellatrix’s deliberate corruption of him, and how he victimises her in turn - it’s not gratuitous, but OUCH.

Harry Potter art

A November Evening by akatnamedeaster. Severus & Padfoot, G.

Just. Awwwwww. I’m not even a big Severus fan and I still melt seeing him bespectacled with a little smile while Padfoot takes over the sofa in bliss.

Réveille-toi! by Anon. Fleur/Tonks, NC-17. Summary: The best way to wake up.

This is incredibly beautiful - I love the palette (yellow and pink with touches of purple and blue - perfect for the pairing) and the style. The shifting perspectives over the four panels is really well done, especially on the last panel. Intimate and gorgeous and so hot - I love Tonks' openness to Fleur.

MCU fic

Asgard’s Lay by anon. Thor/Loki, NC-17, ~2000 words.

Loki uses his shapeshifting and… natural talents to sleep with half of Asgard, until Thor can’t take it any more. This is full of great Loki lines. “Alternate pathways were his specific specialty. He grew them like tree branches.”

Untitled by anon. Thor/Loki and Steve/Tony via Loki/Tony. NC-17, ~3000 words, I think.

I love the premise (Loki joins the Avengers at Odin’s insistence, he and Tony start having sex and becoming friends while Steve and Thor get more and more annoyed). There’s some great dialogue, and some really funny moments. I love Tony and Loki’s friends-with-benefits affection and Pepper’s cameo and Steve and Thor’s argument and the hot sex.

Housekeeping by penknife. Tony & Rhodey, PG, ~3000 words. Summary: Four and a half times Tony did housework (or, five times Rhodey wasn't sure Tony Stark was cut out to survive in the real world.)

Rhodey and Tony: BROTP! I love that they meet while Tony's failing at laundry and the slightly pissed-off Rhodey at Christmas -- Tony’s failure to be a grown-up human with feelings isn’t so adorable when you deal with it day in, day out.. They're such good friends but Rhodey will never be able to approach the world the way Tony does and that dynamic is really well-done here, even while the fic stays adorable.

Avengers Assemble by Isabear. The Avengers, Pepper, Darcy, Jane, Coulson, Fury, Maria Hill, Rhodey, JARVIS, Bucky; G; ~500 words. Summary: A found poem using AO3 tags, because Avengers fandom is awesome.

If people using Tumblr-style tags on AO3 especially annoys you, maybe stay away. It annoys me occasionally, but this is still really fun.

and maybe you think I’m not listening as you scream and scream by toitsu.Thor, Loki, Sif and the W3; PG-13 for blood; ~1200 words.

Loki is struck by a barbed arrow, and Thor has to cut it out. The frantic arguments and Thor stroking Loki's hair and leaving his blood behind and then the recovery with Sif hugging him and welcoming Loki back... ALL MY FEELS

Doctor Who vids

The Magic Position by
such_heights Amy/Rory. Summary: Who is the one who leads me on through? It's you.

Very little to say here; it’s well-edited, adorable Amy/Rory loveliness to a great song. Either that’s your sort of thing or you’re crazy it’s not.

Safe to Shore by
niyalune. Amy & Eleven. Summary: 'cause though the truth may vary // this ship will carry // our bodies safe to shore.

Fantastic editing and a lovely exploration of the Amy/Eleven relationship, the dark moments and broken faith and most the absolutely gorgeous friendship. The song being a duet works especially well. SO MANY AMY FEELS.

This was originally posted at Comment wherever you like :)

recs: vids, recs: art, recs: marvel cinematic universe, recs: doctor who, recs: harry potter, recs: fic

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