I inexplicably failed to post this, even though I put up the Merlin 306 liveblog. Here you go, everybody. I’m off to watch 307.
ARTHUR: Do you trust me?
MERLIN: Who are you, Aladdin?
Those big gatekeepers might be foreshadowing. MIGHT.
Ahaha, “the Valley of the (fallen) Kings”. Never shy about nicking mythology, that’s Merlin.
“For a moment I thought it was something terrible” would not be good Last Words.
Merlin trying to be brave over Arthur’s impending demise = very nice.
Hi there, Prophecy Sage Dude. Perhaps you will die in the next forty-two minutes!
I’m sorry, I just can’t take a mystical place called the Crystal Caves seriously. It just makes me think of computer games and rock bands.
So Merlin’s come over all Cordelia Chase with the visions and the being-meant-to-see-them? Fun. Luckily he's got a fellow champion to fight with :) You know, Arthur's little "...all right," to Merlin's lying made me wonder if Arthur's already worked it out about the magic, and is just politely waiting for Merlin to bring it up.
The possible-doom stuff is fun. I don’t buy Gaius’ lack of concern about the possibility of Morgana killing Uther - it seems to be there just to accentuate Merlin’s Cassandra status. But still, fun, and I like Merlin’s clutching at straws - “women like pretty things!” - to hold it off.
...Oh, okay, so apparently he was just having a randomly sexist moment to facilitate the plot. *sighs* Oh Merlin. If Greek epics have taught us anything, it’s that struggling against prophecies is always what makes them happen.
Love the carefully indeterminate birthday :)
*heart bleeds* Brief moment of Morgana and Gwen like they were...
Swift and loud falling down stairs = scary and awesome. Morgana’s sweetly smiling unconscious face = less so.
Aaangst. This is really very sad, although I feel sort of emotionally manipulated about it.
Is it wrong that I found Uther’s hinting really funny? “Use whatever it takes. I don’t care what remedy you use. No, really, I don’t care. USE MAGIC GAIUS.” It just took so long for Gaius to catch on!
One of the problems of Arthurian retellings is that surprises are hard to do, and after all the stuff about “why does Uther love her so much?” I was expecting them to take it from ward to old-style Arthur-and-Morgana-are-half-siblings.
I like the emphasis on her twice-removed right to the throne, though. She’s younger than him, though, isn’t she - Igraine was already dead when Uther had his night of passion? (Although primogeniture and legitimacy mean that Arthur’s the rightful heir either way. Classism and sexism: on Arthur’s side!)
LOL. The no-right-way-to-go of Merlin’s situation is sort of damaged by the sparkly magical saliva image.
Ahaha, Uther’s just as slow on the uptake as Gaius.
MORGANA: You’re like my father... Arthur is like my brother... I just realised...
UTHER: Yes dear. *pats hand*
The thunderclap of foreshadowing! OMG drama time!
Not crazy about the emphasis on “changing the future = v hard and unsuccessful here”. Oh well... comedy-romance episode next, and that’s alway fun :D