Title: Better Than Luck
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Neville/Draco
Rating: G
Summary: Draco doesn’t want a four-leafed clover.
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: The boys and girls belong to JKR, even though I’m often much nicer to them than she is.
Author’s Notes: This was written for
neville100’s clover prompt; it’s a belated St Paddy’s Day drabble, I suppose.
Neville found Draco sulking behind Greenhouse Three.
Best to keep Hogwarts’ motto in mind at these moments. “Draco?”
“Go away!”
Instead, Neville held a four-leafed clover in front of Draco’s face. “Look. For luck!”
“Luck?” Draco spun to face him. “Your stupid housemates turned me green! I don’t want a bloody clover!”
Neville produced an orchid, and grinned as Draco’s green face softened. “Something - ”
“Classy,” Draco said, taking it.
“Rare, and beautiful. Like you.”
He blushed so hard he thought he might set the greenhouse on fire; but Draco looked like his world as already alight.