So, yesterday I imported almost everything to Dreamwidth. And now old entries and comments and everything are safe! Huzzah! On the downside, because I don’t actually like mirror-posting as such, I have doubled entries for as long as I’ve been using Dreamwidth. *sighs* A lot of deleting and changing the links in fic comms is in my future. But damnit broken links are the Scourge of the Internet (aside from cat macros) and I will do everything in my power to fight them!
Incidentally, I’m a mod at
rondracodrabble now. I don’t think I ever mentioned that.
And I am doing my duty to the ship by nomming at the Draco Awards. Seriously, Ron/Draco flisters, please go nominate stuff
here. Because I am totally going back later to nom more stuff, probably involving a lot of fic by personal friends. You should FIGHT ME.
And speaking of awards... I got nominated at the Smutastic Awards. Not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES! I wasn’t even expecting once! You guys! Hurray! Forever! *does a dance*
Walk All Over You was nominated for Best Oneshot.
Worthy was nominated for Best PWP.
Tangible Benefits was nominated for Best Femmeslash.
I shall link to the Seconding Post when it goes up. :) YAY!