Two recs

Jul 14, 2010 00:08

Do you enjoy Draco getting fucked by Death Eaters? You don’t? Wow, you put up with a lot being on my flist, huh.

For those who do, I have two recs:

The marvellous drippingcherry has indeed turned my ickle Barty Jr/Draco Crucio drabble into a short, awesomely porny fic: Twisted. It’s AU - Barty survived, and this is immediately post-OoTP. It’s written from Barty’s perspective - second person, which just emphasises the disassociated crazycakes that is Barty Crouch Jr. Very easy to read and the build-up is fantastic. And the sex! So hot. And makes fantastic use of the Cruciatus curse. Seriously, it is so twisted and awesome.

And reikokatsura drew me incredibly cute Snaco art. Draco’s naked and collared in an equally naked Snape’s lap and yet it’s adorable. Blushing, lanky Draco folded awkward onto Snape’s lap, holding onto him, while Snape keeps a proprietary hand on Draco’s thigh. And glares at the Harry who’s just discovered them :DDD

*beams at her flist* I love it when we make Draco cry!

flist love, snape/draco, recs: art, recs: harry potter, recs: fic

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