I saw Marina and the Diamonds, a sold-out gig, for free on Tuesday! It was fantastic. She’s AMAZING live - I’ve never been at any gig where they sounded so much better than on the CD!
I feel it’s only a matter of time before I get sucked into something a little bit Tory, a little bit Lib Dem. (Actually, wouldn’t that be a great theme for a Cameron/Clegg fic? Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. The something borrowed being power, of course.)
Miss Godfrey got officially together with her boy last night, in the back of an ambulance (they’re both fine). The Boy shall be nicknamed Johnson here. Although he is not awesome as Johnson in Peep Show.
I am in a strange mood, I know. Quick promos:
Reccing for the
H/D Bookshelf closes very shortly! Go and rec things! You have three options. Perhaps you could use one to rec your favourite H/D fic of mine. *coughs* More seriously, there’s a whole bunch of great fic that hasn’t made it onto the list. Obviously there had to be a limit on how much any one person could rec, but still. IF YOU HAVEN’T, GO SUGGEST YOUR FAVOURITES NOW.
Between The Shadow and The Soul by
aoifene is a huge favourite of mine and not up there!
Can I suggest you go
here? READ International, a charity that works for child literacy, had a short story competition. The stories that made the second round are up now and can be read free! They’re all good quality, so if you like original short stories, go for it!
The stories with the most votes go through to the next round. You can vote as many times as you want, but each vote costs 50p (75 cents). All the money goes to help child literacy!
Also, um, my friend Nicholas Mellish wrote
one of the storiesthere - it’s about time-travelling smugglers and has a whiff to Douglas Adams about it. Nick is fantastic in many ways and a big Doctor Who fan. HE DESERVES YOUR VOTES.