Nom nom nom!

Jan 23, 2010 10:57

Hey you lot, guess what?

My fic Tangible Benefits has been nominated in the Stroke My Crookshanks category - Best Femmeslash. This was my first proper femmeslash, having written a couple of drabbles previously. I’m pleased as punch to be up there with some seriously excellent writers, including woldy and snowpuppies, both of whom are personal favourites. I’m going to be using the nominations as a rec list, too.

It’s great to see so many of my flist on the nominations list, proving once again what a talented bunch you are. (Although whoever nominated woldy before I could get there, I am petulantly annoyed by it. And, of course, pleased too.) I went a little crazy nomming fics and icons a couple of days before the deadline, and I’m crossing my fingers that one of my nominations and/or one of my flist wins a category. It’d be entirely deserved.

I like shortening ‘nominationed’ to ‘nommed’. Mmm, delicious Christmas Fairy and Slayers dancing. Nom nom nom.

flist love, awards, happy

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